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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Livebearers Lane
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[span class="edited"][Edited by dnrfleener 2004-08-24 19:15][/span]
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:46Profile PM Edit Report 
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What I would recommend is picking out 2-3 of these types of fish, and making schools of 6 each. I would sell/return the fish which you don't want a school of to get the money and space for the other fish. Keep maybe one of the gouramis, and the snail. The plecos will surely grow too big for a 29 gallon tank, and I don't know whether the newt is a fish-eater or not. I do know that if you kept all these fish in just the 10 and 29 gallons, then they were pretty overstocked, if you ask me.

[span class="edited"][Edited by sirbooks 2004-08-22 20:39][/span]

And when he gets to Heaven, to Saint Peter he will tell: "One more Marine reporting, Sir! I've served my time in Hell."
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:46Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Mike R
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I'd keep the snail, gouramis and platies then I'd pick one of the schoolers and bring the school up to 6 or 8 and you'd still have room for a couple ottos or keep the guppies.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:46Profile MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
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Okay, my husband & I have been talking and decided we'd like to keep as many of the tetras (they r my faves) as possible. My daughter's 5th grade science teacher is looking for freshwater fish donations to stock his aquariums at school so I may just donate some there. I'm not sure about keeping the gourmai's b/c they are getting big for my 29gal and the platies are just popping babies out right and left (not sure what's happening to them unless they are being sucked out w/water changes). So, if I keep just the tetras and 2 mollies how many of each should I keep. Do I need 6 of each type of tetra for a school? I'm still fairly new to the aquarium hobby but I'm finding that it can be very addictive
Thanks for all your suggestions!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:46Profile PM Edit Report 
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fire belly newts can and will let a poison into the water when its even just spoked or stressed, they shouldn't be mixed with fish and they aren't fully aquatic they need land space to get out of the water.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:46Profile PM Edit Report 
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I have a lily pad that he stays on alot of the time and I've had him since February and he's been great. He's very friendly and loves to be played with. I didn't know about the poison (nvr saw anything about it in my research, mmm, i think i need to do more) but he's a very sweet creature.

Also, i took care of my overstock problem. My daughter is taking several to her science teacher tomorrow. All I will have left is my 10 tetras (5 Neons, 2 Black Neons, 2 Bloodfin, 1 Glo Lite), my 2 lyre tail mollies, and my newt. Is this okay? Also, should I get rid of the mollies and get more of the neons to have a schools?

Thanks again for any information.

OH! I forgot one fish~ Not sure how I could forget her! I have a red wag platy that is about 2 onths old but she is still small (smaller than my glo lite tetra). She only has one eye and was the runt of that bunch of fry. I fell in love with her and have paid extra attention to her praying she would live and she has, her i could never get rid of.

[span class="edited"][Edited by dnrfleener 2004-08-23 08:07][/span]
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:46Profile PM Edit Report 
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