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 Freshwater Species
 Livebearers Lane
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Sunset platy dying after giving birth
This is my second play to die after giving birth to a batch of unfertilised or dead baby platies..just wondering what might be wrong......
friedrice516-Nov-2004 01:40
Deformed Guppy Fry
Hey Guys.. I'm new here and too fish so bear with me!! I currently have a 10 gallon tank with 5 guppies (4 female) 3 cory catfish and a chinese alga...
SamanthaStorm1216-Nov-2004 00:05
I'm pretty sure it isn't possible. The molly's sperm wouldn't be compatible with the platies's eggs. The DNA of the two fish just aren't compatible. (...
FishProfiles.com915-Nov-2004 16:09
New guppy fry question
How can i easily tell the male from the female fry? I have head that i should be able to see the gravid spot, but theres so many of them!! When do th...
SamanthaStorm414-Nov-2004 23:30
List your livebearers....
I will start: 3 Poecilia latipinna (orange-gold sailfin mollies) plus 60 fry 3 Poecilia latipinna (wild-type green sailfin mollies) 2 Poecilia lati...
Toirtis714-Nov-2004 23:19
boy or girl?
hey guys i was wondering if any of you could tell me the sex od my new platy. here are some pics [link=
stuquarium613-Nov-2004 00:25
guppy question
how many guppies can i have in a 10 gallon?...
haRg0wbOi412-Nov-2004 23:42
guppy babies sucking on females tale
has anyone else had baby guppies sucking on the females tale right at the back, it's not like i havn't feed them i feed them 3 times a day there not d...
the1112-Nov-2004 17:42
Best livebearer for live feed
Which of the common livebearers (Guppies, Mollies, Swords, Platies) are the best for breeding fry for feed?? Thanks in advance --Ben--...
marine_race712-Nov-2004 14:10
Molly fry everywhere.
Just 32 hours ago I bought a trio of absolutely stunning, huge gold-orange sailfin mollies from a nearby LFS (which I had gone into to only buy cricke...
Toirtis210-Nov-2004 23:27
Mollies and swordtails
Hey everyone, I just started a 10 gallon aquarium with two silver mollies and two marigold swordtails. A male and a female of each. First thing off...
andy_guerriero310-Nov-2004 20:09
Preteen pregnancy!! :O
I have a little tiny trio of white mollies. Just babes, only an inch long right now. One of them has a black mark on her that looks like a gravid mark...
smantzer209-Nov-2004 23:15
Your Longest Living Male, Fancy Guppy
I ran a poll similar to this, but included any type of guppy. Let's limit this to male fancy guppies (i.e., green cobras, moscow, sunrise, and basica...
Cory_Di508-Nov-2004 20:14
GUPPY SHOW, San Diego, Nov 5-7, Enter your guppies!
San Diego Guppy Association Show In Cooperation with SDTFS - November 5-7, 2004 room 101 of the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park, San Diego (by the Zoo...
SanDiegoFishes105-Nov-2004 09:37
two guppy questions
How low of a temp can guppies tolerate? Do females generally eat their fry? I have a 6g that will be empty after its use as a QT for some new Endler...
Theresa_M1003-Nov-2004 11:01
Pregnant - Not Pregnant ??? Molly
One of my Dalmation Mollies has been pregnant 3 times and just when I am sure she is going to release her fry, she gets skinny and there are no fry......
iamgentlelady302-Nov-2004 20:12
egg yolk
How do I feed them egg yolk?...
gab301-Nov-2004 22:55
Twitching Mollie
Can any one tell me why a Mollie out of the blue would start twitching? she was hanging out with another Mollie alot and now out of the clear blue the...
Roberta101-Nov-2004 04:38
I talked about my platy on these forum before about a week maybe 10 days ago and at that time it looked as if she was gonna have the babies within hou...
chizunk229-Oct-2004 00:02
endlers tank
I found endler's livebearers at a local petstore! I was so excited! So I'm going to be setting up a tank for endlers soon, and I was wondering about...
acinonyx827-Oct-2004 16:22
Salt for mollys
[/font]How much salt should be added to the water for mollys? I don't put that much in at all, and mine are fine. But some say i should add more, i'...
Bettashimp526-Oct-2004 02:47
Help!. My new fish had babies and I don't know what to do
We have had our aquarium (10gal) going for 2 weeks now. We added 2 ballooned bellied mollies and a dwarf guarami on Friday. We now have 5 fish includi...
rb525-Oct-2004 13:49
Vertical Molly
I bought a trio of lyre tail mollies the other day to go into my tank with 3 zebra danios, neon tetras, a paradise fish, a swordtail, and some night g...
Hooktor422-Oct-2004 01:10
my sunrise molly
will the mother eat the fry as soon as they are born because i dont want them to be eaten as soon as they are born if u have any info please respond t...
chizunk220-Oct-2004 21:29
i have a sunrise molly who is within days of giving birth and is in a breeders net wen the babies are born should i take out the mother to prevent her...
chizunk820-Oct-2004 03:14
whats wrong with her?
I was looking at my female guppy just a minute ago, and it looks like she is pregnant, but when she turned to face me, I saw this big bulge on her sid...
zebra519-Oct-2004 20:38
I believe that mollies eat most types of green algae. They won't eat nearly as many kinds as the specialized algae-eaters, but they will gobble up man...
FishProfiles.com419-Oct-2004 17:22
HELP!! my yellow platy was pregnant after all! well i now have 2 fry after the rest of the babies got chomped on by other fish....i put the 2 fry in a...
BabyBlueEyes1017-Oct-2004 17:52
livebearers die after birth
ok in the past two days my swordtail and two guppys gave birth and all of them died within 24 hours later. what am i doing wrong? the temp is 80 deg...
WesleT1717-Oct-2004 12:38
How many guppies can i fit?
Ok here are the details, empty 42usgal tank in the need for lil fishies, and my fish of choice are guppies. I want to fill the tank with guppies and...
tweaky616-Oct-2004 07:22
Female Platy nipping a male gourami
Hi, wasn't sure if this should go here, or in labyrinth since it is about both... I have a 20 gal tank, currently with 3 platies (2f/1m) and about 1...
CyndieL73613-Oct-2004 00:39
Swordtails and Bettas?
I have read up that Swordtails are great eaters of various types of Algae including the one that I currently am dealing with; RBA. I also have a Bet...
Crazygar1208-Oct-2004 05:46
Most active livebearer.
I would say the guppy....
kitty163907-Oct-2004 13:03
I was hoping someone was able to let me know what to look for when a Platty has Fry? i bought to Plattys and within two weeks i had 15 babies. i have...
Roberta806-Oct-2004 12:34
I want to keep 2 swordtails... if i get a pair will they breed no matter what? I dont think anything i am planning for my tank would eat the fry excep...
devon7406-Oct-2004 06:50
Could Endler's and mollies hybridize?
Since guppies and mollies are so likely to hybridize, I was wondering if the same was likely for Endler's and sailfins, either P. latipinna or P. veli...
littlemousling606-Oct-2004 04:31
Giant Gourami
Don't worry, I have no intentions of actually doing it, but does anyone have a guess on what size tank you would need to breed giant gouramis? [I'm a...
puffer_archer105-Oct-2004 06:01
breeding guppies
Ok I have a ten gallon with a male and female mollie, a male and femal swordtail, and 1 male and 3 female guppies. I know the tank sounds crowded but...
WesleT405-Oct-2004 04:37
Guppy/Oto Oddity
I decided I needed an algae eater for my tank of guppies, and an oto seemed perfect. I didn't have enough space for schooling cories and definitely no...
Mogmog1003-Oct-2004 19:28
platty/molly fry
I was Just wondering if i was able to put molly fry that has been just born in a tank with Platy fry that is a month old with out the platys eating th...
Roberta302-Oct-2004 23:40
livebearer lifespan
the info on this site says mollies and guppies live one year, platys 2 years and swords 3 years. i was wondering what people's experience was with th...
ab20202-Oct-2004 18:56
Molly fry everywhere
My wife just noticed little molly fry running around out tank this morning. We managed to scoop 7 of them out and into a breeding tank. My questions a...
Nick402-Oct-2004 10:24
How closely are guppys and platy's related.
I'm sure I read some where they are distant cousins, is theis true, any information well appreciated....
kitty163329-Sep-2004 04:47
Aggressive male platy
I have a 15 gal tall tank with two female platies and one male platy. The male seems to be overly aggressive to only one female. He chases her all o...
just_one_more529-Sep-2004 04:45
pregnant guppies?
How do I know if one of my guppies is pregnant or not? I have 4 guppies in my 10 gallon (3 females and 1 male). The one female is getting fat but I d...
jenbabe256329-Sep-2004 01:27
[font color="#000080"]hello, last week i bought a balloon molly and .. another type of molly, not sure what kind but it has black and white and orange...
ermidontknow328-Sep-2004 21:32
Minimum tank size for breeding swordtails?
OK, I have 1m/2f neon swordtails that I want to breed. Right now they are in a 55 gal tank w/ other swordtails, and I am trying to plan out a new ta...
crickit99510-Sep-2004 23:01
What to do with platy Frys
Hi, I just added my first fish to my aquarium on Friday (3 mickey mouse platies) and on Saturday, ended up with at least 10 new frys. I haven't isol...
CyndieL73910-Sep-2004 21:08
Guppy Tank?
I have a 10 gallon tank that I was thinking about setting up specifically for guppies. Is there anything special I need to know about setting it up?...
jenbabe256210-Sep-2004 15:42
fry feed for guppies
to feed live baby brine shrimp or wait and enrich them,this might come out as a debate but id really like to know which is actually better newly hatch...
topekaed610-Sep-2004 15:23
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