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 Freshwater Species
 Livebearers Lane
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Livebearer RECIPE
Can anyone suggest a good balanced recipe I can mix for my Livebearers?...
McLean521-Aug-2004 18:33
overstocked 10 gallon???
My brother has a ten gallon tank with 4 male black neon tetras, 2 cories, and a female guppy. He wants to know if he could fit 3 male neon tetra...
newguppyhobbiest920-Aug-2004 09:23
Guppies Burned Alive
Hello, This is a very sad story about my guppies. We started with 2 fancy guppies, and 3 common guppies that were babies Last week we did a water...
mikdavy2720-Aug-2004 02:06
All male guppies
I just started my first aquarium a few weeks ago. I currently have 8 male guppies in my 40 gallon tank with 11 Neon Tetras. People say 1:2 male to...
Manix620-Aug-2004 01:04
I'm curious about this now... I had one male guppy and two females. The male is a lovely yellow/black leopard spot pattern, the females are silver-bod...
kitten519-Aug-2004 22:19
quick guppy question
I was just wondering if it was true that guppies only live to be about a year old. If this is true, how do you know that ones you are getting from fi...
C6R119-Aug-2004 07:09
okay umm i have 2 gupps male and female i jus put them into a breeding tank and i was wonderingif i should feed htem in there or not?...
fish_net518-Aug-2004 13:55
Guppy salinity
Pages: 1, 2
Are they FW, or brackish? [option1]freshwater[/option1] [option2]brackish[/option2]...
Janna2017-Aug-2004 20:31
breezeblonde417-Aug-2004 14:37
found one healthy fry!
im so happy!!! i found a platy fry!!! just one tho... when fries are born, how big are they? and up to how many fries can the female platy have? oh m...
featherrrrr717-Aug-2004 03:54
Guppy Compatibility?
Will guppies fare well in my community tank? My stocklist is below...
sly916-Aug-2004 19:29
My inability to keep guppys happy
Hello, I'm stll working with my firt ever tank - 11uk G. I'm setting up a 120g tank at the moment. At first I had a m & f guppy then I read how ran...
justicerulesok316-Aug-2004 18:45
Pregnant male Platy??
So, I bought 2 Blue Mickey Mouse Platies today. They had what I thought was 1 female and 3 males, and I asked for a pair. The girl corrected me (th...
crickit99216-Aug-2004 03:34
Said goodbye to my platy fry today......
Well, the day came to take my "baby platys" to the lfs... Having grown to about an inch in length in approx 4 months and having 40 or so my 20 gal tan...
dreamweaver8891316-Aug-2004 01:48
Sailfin Mollies (wot do i call em)
Hiya i just come back with 2 female sailfin mollies to satisfy my beautiful sailfin male. How ever im stuck for names. i thought maybe the forum could...
corymad03115-Aug-2004 23:23
10 day old mystery baby , his story
10 days ago i was getting ready to retreve a female guppy to be placed into the birthing bucket, as i went for her i saw a small fry, i thought "BABY!...
fishyhelper288814-Aug-2004 19:57
Feeding the platies
I have 3 platies, and about 10 frys in my 20g tank. It is almost done with it's 2nd week of cycling. Fish have been in it for about a week now. I...
CyndieL73314-Aug-2004 17:45
Fish swimming near the top
Okay, I am only in the first 2 wks of my new tank, just added 3 platys after the tank was cycling for a week, had frys the next day, all readings are...
CyndieL73213-Aug-2004 21:56
guppy tail regrowth
I have a male purple dragon guppy ( pic ) who lost most of his tail not long...
Theresa_M113-Aug-2004 19:27
How many guppys in a 10 gallon?
I am thinking of setting up a guppy tank for my kids, how many would go into a 10 gallon safely? Also, are they a real pain with having fry all the t...
fishygirl68912-Aug-2004 07:13
guppy dead of unexplained causes
I think i will take that guppy back to the pet store, because i only got her on Saturday and she's already dead. I don't know why, my other fish seem...
agent_alice212-Aug-2004 01:00
I have a 5g tank(it's my daughter's), anyway I have one male guppy, a platy and a dwarf gourami. My question is can the guppy and platy breed? I have...
CubbyF211-Aug-2004 04:20
are endlers and guppies the same fish? my grandpa has endlers for about 25 years so they have been interbreeding. n.e way i have brought a couple pai...
bettachris410-Aug-2004 22:16
Moving Swords to a 20 gal, adding Platys, Cories, or ?
OK, so I am thinking of planting my 20 gallon (24"L x 12"W), then moving my 3 swordtails out of the 55 gallon to it. I do want them to breed, and I'...
crickit99110-Aug-2004 21:06
Friends for my mollies
greetings~ i am coming to the end of my cycle and my two faithful mollies made it through, along with about 20 babies (surprise). the babies will be...
firefighterwife210-Aug-2004 20:40
female guppy
im new so i never expected what guppies of different sexes could do. now they are breeding like crazy. what can i do with the female guppy?...
newguppyhobbiest310-Aug-2004 04:18
what 2 do with fry
i have heard a lot of people saying they sell their fry to "a local pet store". My question is whether u sell them so they can be food for fish...
newguppyhobbiest810-Aug-2004 02:34
help for an unintentional breeder
hi there!!! while cycling my tank (i am in week 3) i have been blessed with molly fry twice. i currently have about 18 in a plastic breeder box. i h...
firefighterwife410-Aug-2004 02:31
over crowding issues
i love my liverbearer tank but am afraid it is over crowded, I have six guppies, 3 mollies and 4 four platies. plus a false flying fox and two female...
goldfishgeek310-Aug-2004 00:35
Should I get more?
I have 2 males guppies to 5 female guppies. Should I get a few more males or shouls I get more females? The LFS near where I work has some very nice i...
Forever-mango709-Aug-2004 16:51
Can guppies repair their own broken fins?
Hi, I just got a 26G tank and had to move my guppies from the 6G...but one of the male guppies got hurted badly (I tried my best, had no idea where th...
Patson509-Aug-2004 16:43
Question about mosquitofish
1.Are they livebearers? 2.Will they need a heater? 3.Should I put salt in the water? 4.If so, how much? 5.How many could I put in a 10 gallon? 6.How...
123mjb009-Aug-2004 14:22
I just found babies!! (first time - swordtails)
Hello! I was just siphoning out some water, and I noticed a tiny baby!! Then while looking, we saw another one that was a tad bigger (it had an orang...
crickit99808-Aug-2004 18:17
pregnant guppy
I got another female guppy today, and by comparison i can see that the one i've had in my tank for 2 weeks with the male is def pregnant. In the pet s...
agent_alice208-Aug-2004 11:34
death by childbirth?
One of my brand new dalmation lyretail mollies died today, quite suddenly and under mysterious circumstances. Yesterday it was quite happy and swam ar...
sirbooks208-Aug-2004 11:33
guppie stressed in breeding net
MY guppie is going 2 give birth soon but is very stressed since I put her in the breeding net. I heard salt can calm down fresh water fish. does an...
newguppyhobbiest308-Aug-2004 11:29
when will the fry be big enough
My guppy had babies overnight and i only managed to save 1. I currently have it in the breeding net. My question is how long will it be before the...
newguppyhobbiest308-Aug-2004 10:44
molly babes~when can they hang with the big guys?
hi~ i have 15 molly surprise babies living in a plastic breeder box, in a relatively new tank that is in cycle. i am concerned about how much to feed...
firefighterwife108-Aug-2004 02:38
Does anyone have pictures?
Of pregnant guppies and platys right before birth? Or does it vary with the age of the fish? DO they have fewer offspring when they are younger? I thi...
agent_alice307-Aug-2004 19:54
suggestions for breeding project
i was thinking that i would enjoy breeding livebearers again and i have an empty 10G i was planning to use. i'm trying to decide between platties and...
niggit1107-Aug-2004 19:32
mean angelfish...
I just picked up two of the dalmation mollies from the store yesterday, because my dad wanted one, and they were on sale. One was noticably fatter tha...
sirbooks107-Aug-2004 16:35
breeding net and other casualty
I had some fry recently, but only one survived (the others got eaten i think), the other baby was in a plastic cup, until i got a breeder and put him...
agent_alice107-Aug-2004 07:47
help with guppy birth
3 days ago I got 2 new guppies from a pet store by my house and i guess one was pregnent because i came home yesturday and there were only 2 baby...
newguppyhobbiest206-Aug-2004 22:21
will sword tail eggs survive?
well i was wondering if a prego sword or livbearer is sick almost dead if u can anestitize her take the eggs out the put her to sleep, will the eggs...
fishyhelper288506-Aug-2004 21:28
Platy question
Ok,Since I am new ,I think I'm alotted a few stupid questions,lol.So here comes one. I bought a very pretty female "Riot Platy" today.My question is,...
mongoose406-Aug-2004 21:01
10gl. ideas///
Give me ANY ideas you have about ANY fish that acn go in a 10gl.!!!! I want ALL you opinions!...
PlatiesAREcool506-Aug-2004 20:34
guppy pregnate for 35 days minimum
I got a pregnant femail guppy 35 days ago... she still pregnant & very, very fat (but no change in about 10 days). When will i have babies?...
justicerulesok306-Aug-2004 19:39
Feeder size?
Do feeder guppies get as big as their fancy counterparts?...
katieb505-Aug-2004 04:41
Baby Platy
I just noticed a baby Mickey Mouse Platy in the tank. What should I do? ------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Mickey Mouse...
Isa2304-Aug-2004 21:34
Sibling Platys are mating
I would sperate them if you can take the males out of the tank, you will weaken the strain....
FishProfiles.com404-Aug-2004 18:05
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