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L# Freshwater Species
 L# Livebearers Lane
  L# pregnant guppy
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Subscribepregnant guppy
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Registered: 11-Jul-2004
female usa
I got another female guppy today, and by comparison i can see that the one i've had in my tank for 2 weeks with the male is def pregnant. In the pet store they separate the males and the females, so my female shouldn't be more than 2 weeks pregnant (she could actually be 2 weeks pregnant, seems like my guppy works fast, he's been with the 2nd female for only 20 min, and he's already trying to mate). So how long does guppy pregnancy last? She shouldn't be more than 2 weeks pregnant, when should i put her in the breeder?
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:46Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 25-Apr-2004
female usa
Not to be rude, but I believe you asked this question before.... Gestation period is approximately 28 days or so.... Of course, water temp and condition play into the pregnancy as well as any stress factors.... If all seems to be going well and if you're determined to use the breeding net, I would suggest placing the pregnant female in it around the 26th day or so.... She will be stressed, but this would allow a little time for calming down....

To thine own self be true...
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:46Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
dont use a breeder trap or net. These, in my experience, only result in fish deaths. Leave the mother in the tank, provide lots of floating plants, live or fake, and let her give birth on her own time. This is usually around 30 days. Sometimes it is more though, some of my females go as much as 60 days floating around in a huge fat pregnant shape! Just wait for them to have them. Once they have had the babies, collect them into a seperate container. Anything glass or tupperware will work, a bowl, a jar, etc. Keep in a warmer room, around 21+ will be just fine. Give them an air stone, feed 6-8 times a day and clean their environment as regularly as needed depending on size of the container.
Place back with the adults once they are approx. 1/2 inch in length or look larger than the adults mouths.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:46Profile PM Edit Report 
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