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Pics of keyholes and moonlight gourami
Its sooo hard to get pictures of my keholes and moonlight...they are constantly on the are some attempts: SolubleFish attached this...
solublefish616-Jul-2004 08:01
Weekly Goldfish Fry Pics - Junior Dies :(
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Hi People I started this in the Coldwater Forum not realizing my fancy goldfish fry would make it this far. It was an unexpected hatch - in a bu...
Cory_Di22314-Jul-2004 01:32
Pix of my betta Sailor
Here's some pix of my male betta Sailor that I recieved as a birthday present from Fishie561 [link=
terranova213-Jul-2004 18:53
my 55 gallon
Full tank shot Tetra Fan attached this image: [img]"]...
Tetra Fan1413-Jul-2004 17:31
Pics of my 75G Malawi Tank - Dialup Beware
I did a brief photo session last night on my 75G Malawi. I took about 90 pics, and got a little over 20 decent ones, which was a lot more than I usua...
AndyCLS1613-Jul-2004 05:23
Only 3
these were the only ones I liked first one is when my yoyo loach decided he wanted to eat all the bloodworms so nobody else could have some. second...
gnr4ever8794213-Jul-2004 05:07
Pics of 65g Planted
Ok got a new toy-digital camera. So now I can post some decent pics of my tank. I've gone for a bit of a jungle. Any feedback, tips, criticisms welco...
bensaf212-Jul-2004 15:51
Finially new pics guys :)
Pages: 1, 2
close ups, tank pics with the fish in the open, pics of freshly added Socolofi. Hope you enjoy Sin in Style attached this image: [img...
Sin in Style2312-Jul-2004 02:20
My new beauty (King Tiger Plec)
Still in the process of aclimating him. Here are two in-bag shots. [link=
lunker101411-Jul-2004 11:33
My Killifishes It contains a list of killifishes that I currently hold and some pictures that I have taken (They aren't too goo...
wheezo811-Jul-2004 05:54
Pages: 1, 2
not mine before you even ask koi keeper attached this image: [img]"]...
koi keeper2711-Jul-2004 00:52
king of the hill
This is one of my dwarf loaches in its favorite place. I had another pic without the black phantom but this gives a good size perspective of the loach...
Theresa_M410-Jul-2004 04:25
Albino polypterus and others
Here is a picture of my still fairly new Albino senegal bichir. He was swimming around the tank, and I got this pic as he was passing the intake tube...
Jason_R_S1709-Jul-2004 18:16
Killie fry!
I spotted a fry yesterday in the 20, which was set up as a permanent breeding tank for my pseudepiplatys annulatus, like the guy in my avatar (a possi...
littlemousling1508-Jul-2004 21:40
new fish
This is my new paradise fish, first one I've ever owned. Theresa_M attached this image: [img]
Theresa_M1007-Jul-2004 18:39
Just finished reaquascaping my 10 gallon(pics)
Heres some pictures of my 10 gallon that I just finished reaquascaping. The first pic is blurry but it is the whole tank. The second is the left side...
pinkconvict14206-Jul-2004 17:35
synchronized snail swimming
i just happened to see this as i was turning off the light tonight: [/font] [spa...
moondog306-Jul-2004 17:15
Just thought this was a cool picture of my loach
This is my "creek loach" Schistura Beavani it's name is Hopper as it hops around the tank [img]
Jubs1305-Jul-2004 20:53
My Fire Shrimp, Amazing Color
This is of course in my Reef tank. Big picture though. Wow!...
lil_mikey691405-Jul-2004 18:23
My re-planted 15 Gallon
[font color="#000080"]I was bored yesturday so I re planted my 15 Gallon. Man it looks much better than before. Despite all the work, it's worth it...
JQW202-Jul-2004 21:47
Oh nos, angels are spawning again.
Klee802-Jul-2004 14:47
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