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  L# 2 Questions About Plants..
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Subscribe2 Questions About Plants..
Posts: 72
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Registered: 30-Oct-2006
I have live plants in 2 of my fishtanks, if im not mistaken, each tank has about 40w of bulbs, one tank about 2WPG, and the other, less than one.

I have plants in both tanks, and in the tank with the higher WPG the plants are growing great, and in the other, they stay alive for the most part.

anyways i have a tank in my room, and my family members come in in the morning to feed them, and they turn the light on.. this is pretty annoying when I am sleeping, so is there any way to have duller lights in the tank, but still have the plants grow nicely?

Also, in my other tank, with less than 1 WPG, it is pretty dull, we had a color enhancing bulb in there (im assuming, it was purple, and did enhance the fish's colors, not actinic) but the plants in there quickly died.. we had an extra light, and threw it in there, im pretty sure it is one of those daytime bulbs, but with this bulb, the plants aren't dieing.. they aren't growing either though... so is there any brighter bulb I can put in there? (it only takes one bulb)

Basically, I want one tank to be duller, and another tank to be brighter, but both will support plants.

If this is not possible, then Im going to transfer all of my plants to the dull tank.. so is there any way I can get more WPG with only one light? I cant really afford a new lighting system.. but it seems these live plants are causing problems
Post InfoPosted 02-Nov-2006 23:55Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
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Registered: 21-Jun-2004
male usa
Hi there

I wouldn't transfer them to the duller tank.

If the problem with the more highly lit tank is that you're being woken up too early by the lights coming on, simply buy a timer for the lights, and have them come on at a time when you know you'll be awake. Then have the timer shut the lights off approx. 10 hrs later. You can have it come on at noon and go off at 10pm, pretty simple. The lights need not be on for fish or plant food to be added.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 03-Nov-2006 00:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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