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SubscribeAny Advice or Comments???
kj fishy-finn
Big Fish
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female usa
OK here is what I have for plants as of now, but I still need to shorten it. Any comments or suggestions on the following is welcome.

1. Egeria densa 20"
2. Heteranthera zosterifolia 16-20"
3. Ludwigia repens 20"
4. Rotala rotundifolia 20"

1. Cryptocoryne beckettii 6"
2. Echinodorus quadricostatus 6"
3. Sagittaria platyphylla 6-8"
4. Vallisneria americana 8"

1. Cryptocoryne parva 2"
2. Cryptocoryne willisii 2-3.2"
3. Echinodorus tenellus 3.2"
4. Glossostigma elatinoides 0.4-0.8"

kj fishy-finn <*)))><
20 Gallon Album
5 Gallon Album
Post InfoPosted 04-May-2006 01:31Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Ok Kayla,

Let me try to give you some input, assuming that you are still with the 65W light.

1. Egeria densa 20" - nice, but given that you may not add CO2 you may want to supplement carbon by adding Flourish Excel, and this plant doesn't do too well when there is a higher dosaga of this product
2. Heteranthera zosterifolia 16-20" - Nice, just check it in my 125G log, it is the center of attention. But, certain fish - for example my platies - love to eat it
3. Ludwigia repens 20" - Nice
4. Rotala rotundifolia 20" - Nice

1. Cryptocoryne beckettii 6" - seems nice, maybe get one for contrast
2. Echinodorus quadricostatus 6" - From what I read, seems to be an easy plant, very similar to the next plant
3. Sagittaria platyphylla 6-8" - From what I read, seems to be an easy plant, very similar to the previous plant
4. Vallisneria americana 8" - eh, not too wild about Vals in the midground

1. Cryptocoryne parva 2" - very nice, not easy to keep though, but watch out that it doesn't get shaded, even by itself. And need good nutrient loads, and doesn't like to be moved.
2. Cryptocoryne willisii 2-3.2" - nice, maybe one single species
3. Echinodorus tenellus 3.2" - great
4. Glossostigma elatinoides 0.4-0.8" - I would recommend to add CO2 for that plant.

Hope this helps,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 05-May-2006 23:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
kj fishy-finn
Big Fish
Posts: 385
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Registered: 21-Jan-2004
female usa
How are fertilizers sold in the store???

What brand do you use and in your opinion what is the best???

kj fishy-finn <*)))><
20 Gallon Album
5 Gallon Album
Post InfoPosted 06-May-2006 16:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Here are some sources that I would like you to read:

First, there is Tom Barr's Estimative Index, read this to get an idea, not to follow the procedure.

Next, visit the Seachem Fertilizer Site and read through all the products in the Flourish line. Check what they are doing.

Last but not least, if you haven't done so already, look through the various planted tank logs in this forum to see what people do. I bet you that each log that is longer than 4 pages (and even the shorter ones) eventually talk about fertilzers and report on success and faiure about certain routines.

Hope this helps, I know it is some work - but worthwhile


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 06-May-2006 19:05Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
kj fishy-finn
Big Fish
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Registered: 21-Jan-2004
female usa
EditedEdited by kj fishy-finn
I dont have any idea what I am suppose to be looking for. The Flourish site has a plant dosing chart for the different products and what they suggest, but from just skimming logs on planted tanks it doesnt sound like anyone does it daily.

You use this product if I am not mistaken, right??? What is better to use, tablets or liquid???

Looking at the site you add the liquid after water changes or when it says and the tablets it doesnt say when.

Anything else you can tell me about fertilizers that is basic would be nice otherwise I can look around more in depth about it. I only glanced around and that Tom Barr Index thing looked complicated and hard to understand. I will keep looking in the meantime.

Can you buy Seachem Flourish fertilizers at Petco or Petsmart??? (like what is on the site)

Here is my plant list after your advice:
1. Cabomba caroliniana 20"(instead of Egeria densa)
2. Ludwigia repens 20"
3. Rotala rotundifolia 20"

1. Cryptocoryne beckettii 6"(What do you mean by one for contrast???)
2. Echinodorus quadricostatus 6" or Sagittaria platyphylla 6-8"

1. Cryptocoryne willisii 2-3.2"
2. Echinodorus tenellus 3.2"

kj fishy-finn <*)))><
20 Gallon Album
5 Gallon Album
Post InfoPosted 06-May-2006 23:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Registered: 20-May-2005
male usa
EditedEdited by LITTLE_FISH
You use this product if I am not mistaken, right???
Not really, I used to use some of these products, but ever since I have my large tank the amount needed would be costing me a small fortune. I switched over to dry ferts from Greg Watson for my macros, namely Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Sulfate, and Potassium Phosphate. For micros I use a pre-mixed liquid that is called Tropica Master Grow. The small tanks receive dosages of Flourish Excel as a carbon source (the large one has a pressurized CO2 system).

I would suggest you dose every second or third day, with a 50% water change weekly.

Yeah, Tom Barr's Estinative Index (thingy ) can be a little bit confusing, but it throws a lot of terms around that are essential for the planted tank hobby.
What do you mean by one for contrast???
Well, it has reddish to brownish leaves, if I am not mistaken. It would make a nice contrast to the green leaved plants and you also have some brownish or reddish plants (at least for their leaves) in the back with the Repens and Rotundifolia. To much of that color would make the tank look dull, IMHO.

Hope this helps,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 07-May-2006 12:18Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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