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  L# Breaking Up That Lighting Period
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SubscribeBreaking Up That Lighting Period
Fish Addict
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Registered: 10-Oct-2003
male usa us-pennsylvania
I am interested in doing this. It seems to me like alot of people that have tried this & have had alot of success. The algae is really not that unsightly in my tank but i dont realy like the look of it on my back and side walls. It is the green spot and green fur algae. The strange thing obout it is it only grows on the glass. It stays off all of the plants including my slow growing cryptocorynes. I think this may be due to my use of excel combined with MTS and otocinclus.
Post InfoPosted 26-Dec-2006 00:51Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
At least a small amount of spot algae on the glass is always going to happen with a medium-higher light tank. You can't completely get rid of it except to scrape it off by hand. Also nothing really eats spot algae. It's rock hard flat discs on the glass that the snails and fish can't scrape off very well. Turning your lights off for an hour or 2 in the middle of the day only seems to have a moderate effect on spot algae. It does appear to work well on hair algae though so if your algae is actually softer strands instead of hard spots it might be worth trying. For the hard spots your best off getting a razor blade or for acrylic tanks a scraper made specifically for them and scraping it off by hand.
Post InfoPosted 26-Dec-2006 01:45Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 10-Oct-2003
male usa us-pennsylvania
thanks for the reply. I still dont get why the algae is not growing on the plants though. Is it the excel?
Post InfoPosted 26-Dec-2006 15:24Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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