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SubscribeDIY CO2 experiment (& 23g tank log)
Fish Addict
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male australia
Thanks, Bernard!

I was actually trying to cut the rotalas right where you suggested, but missed. (I took the whole thing out before trimming and just eyeballed it. )

Will see how the HM grow in that spot. Probably needs a weekly trimming if I keep it there. Leaf size is a bit too similar to the rotalas though. Ideally I prefer something with more contrast in that spot.

BTW, how much phosphate should I be adding to prevent green spots from the anubias' leaves? I've been adding 0.5ppm 3x a week, but they're still invading the anubias. Would upping the PO4 dosage to 1ppm 3x a week be beneficial, or is anubias in high light is just destined to be covered in green spots? I have 0 out of the tap, and around 1ppm on average if the test kits (Hagen, Salifert) can be trusted.


Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 07:39Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hi Paulus,

Well I dose just over 1ppm 3 times a week and that certainly keeps the greenspot off. So yes I'd up the P. But good Co2 is also important in keeping it at bay.

Anubias love phosphate so you should see quicker growth as an added bonus. Phosphate will really drive up Nitrate consumption and really seems to overdive plants, watch for increased pearling. If you see a jump in growth or better pearling increase dosage of N a tad just to compensate for the increased uptake.

Green spot is a fast grower. A clean leaf can end up with dozens of spots in just one day, so it's important to keep the P constant and rich.

My own experience of going from 0.5 ppm to 1ppm dosing of P three times a week as been all good. Don't see greenspot on Anubias anymore even in full light.

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Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 08:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Great, thanks!

You must be a bit psychic , 'cause I was gonna ask about N too - whether or not to increase it along with the increased P - so thanks for preempting the question.

Oh forgot I had a question about diffusing CO2 as well. I'm wondering if a glass diffuser will work better than the pump I'm using. One problem is I don't know where to put it. My HOB is way on the left, so the right side of the tank doesn't get very good circulation. Currently the diffuser pump helps water flow in the right side. If I put the glass diffuser near the HOB return or in the middle back, I'm afraid the bubbles won't get spread around to the right area. Would it help if I put the little pump above the glass diffuser on the right side so it will blow the bubbles across the length of the tank? Or any other suggestions?


Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 09:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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male ireland
Well I can't reccomend the diffusers highly enough

They are super.

Right under the HOB outlet should work fine, the downward flow of water should push the bubbles about nicely.

A powerhead directed at the bubble stream will work also but is more visible. Try under the HOB outlet first. You'll see the bubbles moving and that will tell you how much spread your getting.

Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue.

Remember that age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.
Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 15:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by tetratech

I meant to tell you the other day, when I addressed the Blyxa issue in my thread that I somehow missed this thread. I don't know about your guys, but since the redesign I've missed alot of threads.

Tank looks really crisp, colorful. Once those plants fill in around the dw it should be quite beautiful. That blyxa looks really tall (I guess that's good since it's in the back)

I'm also with Bensaf on the glass diffusor. Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, aestically the best. It's kinda like a limewood diffusor on steriods. Which by the way is good to, but the glass diffusors is more efficient.

Important info about the Rotala that Bensaf said. Don't cut tops too many times or you might be left with cryonic bottoms.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 13-Mar-2006 21:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by upikabu
Well, I tried hooking up the glass diffuser last night and it didn't work. No bubbles, zilch, nada. I suspected that the DIY CO2 didn't create enough gas pressure to push through the plate, and a search in APC confirmed that. Apparently you'd have to use a lot more yeast in order to get a strong enough pressure to produce the bubbles, but then you run the risk of the mixture producing an uneven amount of CO2 and conking out faster. Plus someone mentioned that whatever gas is mixed in with the CO2 in the yeast mixture output (it definitely smells "alcohol-y" ) tends to clog up the plate rather quickly, potentially resulting in gas buildup and explosion.

Moral of the lesson: glass diffuser & DIY CO2 don't mix.
Too bad, I was looking forward to using it too. Guess more impetus for going pressurized.

Tetra - thanks for your input. Always good to hear other people's opinions. The blyxa is tall because each stem has multiple side shoots that I didn't have the guts to cut (yet). I'm wondering what would happen if I leave it alone this - whether it will continue to grow upwards and produce sideshoot or do something else (other than dying hopefully). It fits in the current position quite nicely (looks somewhat like your stellaromatica in leaf shape/size) so I'll leave it be for now.

As for the rotala, I noticed that the new leaves that are growing from the top nodes (below the cuttings) are smaller than before. Is that normal?


Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 03:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Sorry to hear about the glass diffusor. A limewood airstone is probably out too. I know once you go pressurized you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. Not only is it better, but once it's setup you never have to think about it. In your tank a 5lb bottle will last over a year. So it's $10 a year for the refill - done!

Anyway the rotala. Are you talking about leaves that have been out a while. How old are the new leaves below the cutting. I think some of the leaves along the new stem that eventually develops might be alittle smaller. Always keep some of the tops, so if you have a problem with the bottoms stunting at least you'll have some tops to restart.
I just cut some tops off a few days ago and I'm starting to see some new leafs. I"ll let you know if they are smaller than the leaves below the cut.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 04:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Back when I was in the dark ages I used a lime wood diffuser. It worked pretty well. The 2L bottle seemed to be quite a bit firmer than the ones I had hooked up to the bubble ladder. You just need to make sure to keep it cleaned off. A good shake (ice cream anyone?) of the bottle will help keep the mix going strong.

(after thought) didn't Bensaf say that a glass diffuser would work with DIY? (can this guy be trusted?)

I am also starting to wonder about flow in my tank. I might have to break down and ask the boss for a canister filter so I can get some even flow in my tank. Also thinking of a power head to a DIY spray bar but I don't know... I down want to spend the cash on it only to break down and do the real deal.

This fish tank...or plant tank thing is a really big work in progress. Do you guys ever wonder if you think about your tank too much?

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 05:02Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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male australia
I know once you go pressurized you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. Not only is it better, but once it's setup you never have to think about it. In your tank a 5lb bottle will last over a year. So it's $10 a year for the refill - done!

Believe me, if a CO2 tank weren't as expensive and a PITA to get as they are here, I'd gotten one a long time ago. I already have all the accessories (even a pH controller), but alas no bottle. A one-lb bottle costs almost US$200 here. I can rent a bottle for $10/month, but the smallest size available for rent is 14lbs! Plus with another baby coming later this year, I don't know how much time I'll have to maintain a high-tech tank (I know the wife's been muttering threats lately if I keep up the amount of time I'm spending on this hobby! ). That's the main reason I started with DIY CO2 on this tank (my 2 other tanks are still low tech and low maintenance). I wanted to get a feel on how much more time a CO2-injected tank requires, so I can decide whether or not to continue the "experiment". Of course now that I'm in it, it's very hard for me to pull the plug, especially as I feel I haven't accomplished the mission yet. I guess I won't ever know until I get the real deal. Anyways, enough rant!

Anyway the rotala. Are you talking about leaves that have been out a while. How old are the new leaves below the cutting.

The leaves below the cutting have been there since I bought the plant 3 weeks ago. They're the about the same size as the new ones that have grown in my tank (before the cutting). But new leaves after the cutting are definitely smaller in size. Anyway I saved the old tops (planted in my 15g) so I can always put them back. It'll be interesting to see whether or not your rotalas behave similarly.

A good shake (ice cream anyone?) of the bottle will help keep the mix going strong.

Hey Wings - thanks for this tip! I never thought about doing this. How often did you do this - daily, weekly? Probably could've gotten more life out of my 2 previous mixes this way.

This fish tank...or plant tank thing is a really big work in progress. Do you guys ever wonder if you think about your tank too much?

Ain't that the truth! My wife would definitely agree 100% with the second sentence.

Cheers guys!

Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 05:49Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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I did a little shake just to keep things mixed up well ever couple of days. You want to be carefull though to not get the mix up in the tube then into the tank. It makes the water all cloudy and funk for a little while.

I have started to think about how much I think about fish and what I want to do with my tank(s) and it has started to scare me. Maybe thats why my classes are so much harder this sem.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 05:55Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Finally I had a chance to skim through your thread as well, you guys have been busy changing things around in my absence. It feels like I am returning to my hometown and someone changed all the road names while I was gone. Plants moved all over the place .

So, the biggest piece I picked up in your log is "Plus with another baby coming later this year" (number 2? ). That is great, when is "later this year" ? I would suggest you train yourself in the "one-handed" water change routine. This way you can combine holding the baby and doing tank maintenance at the same time .

And I am glad to hear that you are in the same boat with most of us (males and females with significant others) as for some reason it appears as if only few fishkeepers have partners that are into the hobby as well. Maybe someone should create a study about this, could be interesting.


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 11:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Hi Ingo - Yup, no. 2 is scheduled to make an appearance sometime in September. I'm not worried about water changing at all when that happens as the baby will be strapped to my back, courtesy of baby carriers (some of them German-made, BTW). It's my wife giving me the evil eyes while I'm doing it that worries me.

As for lack of partners that are into the hobby, I think it's a bit of natural selection going on. Who'll take care of the kids/food/etc. if both partners are spending as much time on this hobby as we are?

I know how you feel about being a bit lost coming back. At least you only have a week's worth of catching up to do.

Post InfoPosted 14-Mar-2006 12:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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