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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# Planted Aquaria
  L# Eco Complete
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SubscribeEco Complete
Big Fish
Rough but Honest [img]htt
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Registered: 29-Jan-2007
male usa
Ok here the question.......

I'm setting up another 70gal tank will be a community tank, what fish is not know yet, except for a golden algea eater, and a 2 rainbow shark (M/F Pair)that will be needed a larger home soon. I the past I just used standard gravel with weekly doses of ferts and fert spikes. Always have had great returns and plants look and grow very healthy. All planted tanks have some form of CO2 added. My question is this I been looking into this eco complete and have found that it only good for 12 to 16 months, and then I would be back to adding liquids and spikes. I sure members here have used this product, my question is do you worth the money for it, if in a year you will have to add additives to it, and if so how many 20lb bags will I need to purchase.

"So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish" Douglas Adams
Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2008 15:41Profile PM Edit Report 
Posts: 95
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Registered: 11-Aug-2007
male usa
Hey dj !

Just looking through some older threads, one of them I started, a question about mixing substrates, Link>>
notice the final response by Frank !! ( lifetime of tank ! )
and another thread also mentioning Ecco-Complete >>
Maybe here is a few ideas for you to ponder ??

As fas as "how much" of Ecco to buy... that depends on the "footprint" of your tank and how deep you want the substrate bed, the "rule of thumb" the directions say is 2# /Gal, and optimum depth is 3 inches... here is the link to Carib-sea page>>
there are a few tabs on the page " FAQ- Testimonials-Directions" there I'm sure you'll find a bit more info to make your descision

Hope any of this helps ya !!


Post InfoPosted 07-Feb-2008 18:32Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
DeletedPosted 08-Feb-2008 01:24
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