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  L# I got my "special" plant "guidebook" .
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SubscribeI got my "special" plant "guidebook" .
Fish Addict
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EditedEdited by clownloachfan
Yes, i finnaly got the long awaited for - "How to Grow Magnificent Water Plants". I oredered it in the begining of July and the company cashed the check later that month. 3 months later i get my so called book which turns out to be a pamphlet. The free gift was also a pamphlet. $40 for a pamphlet that was advertised as a guidebook, i do not think so. I will just see what i can do with the better business bureagh(spelling?). i cant believe i spent my money on that.
Post InfoPosted 25-Oct-2006 01:57Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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So what's the pamphlet say about growing aquatic plants?

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 25-Oct-2006 03:19Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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So what's the pamphlet say about growing aquatic plants?
Yeah, is there at least anything useful in it?

Besides what everybody knows anyway, I mean.

Sorry to hear that you got ripped off, but I think to remember that is what the mass that responded to your original thread anticipated anyway, right?


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 25-Oct-2006 21:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Sorry to hear about the rip off, clownloachfan Let us know how this turns out, if you make any progress with the BBB.

I'm also curious about what the pamphlet actually says...

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 25-Oct-2006 21:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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The pamphlet does talk about all of the basic stuff such as lighting, ph, hardness, etc. I guess you may be wondering how they fit all of this into a little pamphlet- very tiny type. It also talks about buying the cheap fertilizers, but you can get all of the ones listed in a bottle of seachems fluorish.
- i actually went onto the BBB website and it said that zero complaints have been filed against Aqua-flora green in the past 36 months. Really surprising to me, i will put a complaint in either tonight or sometime tomorrow. Who knows how good that is going to go.
So what's the pamphlet say about growing aquatic plants?

That depends, could i get sued for revealing the 2 secrets? I would be glad to tell. Have not tried them though. I'll give a hint on one secret though- IT SEEMS LIKE THE ITEMS USED TO MAKE ONE OF THE FERTILIZERS WOULD BE ALOT LIKE FLUORISH EXCEL. 2 INGREDIENTS
i didnt mean to make that into something like a riddle, i am just waiting to see if it would be alright to tell
Post InfoPosted 26-Oct-2006 00:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Piranha Bait
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I'm sorry to hear you were ripped. Just a tip for the future though, 10 seconds of internet searching could have prevented this.

Plug this into google including the quotes...

"How to Grow Magnificent Water Plants"

Now try "the ecology of the planted aquarium".

See something VERY wrong ?

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 31-Oct-2006 01:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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If you manage to get some recompense on your $40, then this page on Amazon should show you what the book The Ecology Of The Planted Aquarium cited above looks like.

If you can get this book, do so. It is, for the time being, and likely to remain so for the next decade at least, THE definitive treatise on aquarium plants and their biology. Amazon is currently shipping this breathtkaking work for just $24 or thereabouts. It's only modestly illustrated, but it is absolutely jam-packed with information. You might find a few surprises in there too ...

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 31-Oct-2006 04:10Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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Was it at least laminated? You know, the least they could do to keep it from being ruined around your tank anyway...

Post InfoPosted 31-Oct-2006 05:33Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Piranha Bait
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Awesome point Calilasseia. I know that book completely changed the 'luck' of some people I know that keep plants, and they gave me some useful tips as well. I'd love to be able to give that book a full read.

I merely meant that the search on the other 'book' turned up zero hits, no reviews, none for sale, nothing, which is kinda scary. I'd like to see clownloach get a refund but this sounds like a specialist ripoff company by the sounds of it. If the BBB can do a report on it at least that might help people in the future.

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2006 06:06Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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I think i actually know of a store near me that has that book. I know i can get the Takashi amano books.
-Update on those "special fertilizers". They make your tank super cloudy for at least two days. I also think that the fish dont like it too much either.
thanks for the replies.
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2006 22:39Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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