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  L# I need a replacement plant! (PIC)
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SubscribeI need a replacement plant! (PIC)
Fish Guru
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Registered: 18-Jan-2003
male usa
Can someone think of a replacement plant for my bacopa at the left hand side? Preferably something green, small, fine, or narrow leaved?

[link] [/link]

Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 08:32Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 10-Oct-2003
male usa us-pennsylvania
wow, thats a really nice aquarium. Looks really small judgeing by the size of those neon tetras. Is it a 5 gallon? How about some Egeria najas. This is like Anacharis but its leaves are smaller and it is really compact.
Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 19:33Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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Registered: 18-Jan-2003
male usa
Is egeria fast grower? I couldnt really dig anything up on it.And its a pain to prune in that tank cause its so small (oh, yea it is a 5.5 galloN).

Can anyone reccomend a site where we can order plants (with cheap shipping? )

Post InfoPosted 09-Jul-2006 23:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
Aquatic Plant Depot has cheap shipping. It doesn't have a great selection on plants though. I've ordered from them several times though when they had what I was looking for and the plants were nice. I had no problems with them. Shipping is $10 every time. You get a 5% discount the first time you order.

Aquarium Plants is where I order most of my plants though. They have a great selection and you can go with a slower shipping, which will be cheaper, but they don't guarantee live arrival, unless you pay for overnight. Their plant prices are reasonable though, so I don't mind paying for overnight.

Post InfoPosted 10-Jul-2006 01:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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