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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# Planted Aquaria
  L# Look for ground cover plant
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SubscribeLook for ground cover plant
Big Fish
Rough but Honest [img]htt
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Registered: 29-Jan-2007
male usa
I want a nice carpet plant on the ground of tanks, Some thing that does grow tall, quick growing. Been working woith micro swords but I like the plant just not what i was looking for. any suggestions

"So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish" Douglas Adams
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2007 17:32Profile PM Edit Report 
Posts: 165
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Registered: 05-Dec-2002
male usa
You could go with a pygmy chain sword. They send multiple runners across the tank and can pretty quickly cover the bottom. The one I have seem to stay about 2-3 inches tall, but I think it depends on the light source (less light=higher stalks). I have rarely put any work into keeping them going and they spread on their own. If you like the look of them, I would give them a shot.

What does that mean, Bob? "Till the cows come home." Where have the cows been?
Post InfoPosted 01-Feb-2007 19:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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