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  L# Lotus leaves stay very short
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SubscribeLotus leaves stay very short
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Registered: 12-Oct-2006
male canada
I bought a Lotus (don't know exactly which kind) a few months ago. It has some long extended light green leaves with red spots on them, and some red leaves at the centre. After a few weeks, the green leaves died off one by one. Leaving only the relatively short red leaves. New leaves keep coming out, but they stay red and very short. All crowded up at the centre of the plant.

Instead of the beautiful Lotus, now I got a red cabbage on my gravel .
What's the problem. Can I still get my beautiful lotus plant back?
Post InfoPosted 02-Nov-2006 19:33Profile PM Edit Report 
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male canada
Forgot to mentioned that I have moved the plant to a new tank. Inserted a fertizier stick near the root. Also, the (75G) tank has 3 x 40W 10000K fluorescent lights. But nothing seems to change after a few weeks.

Also, the leaves appear to be wrinkled.
Post InfoPosted 02-Nov-2006 19:42Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Lotus can take a very long time to take off.
Sometimes it can take 5-6 months to grow leaves taller than 4 inches or so.

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Post InfoPosted 02-Nov-2006 20:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
I had one sit around doing nothing for a year and suddenly it filled 1/4th of my tank. I later melted it completely with excel and it took it a few months to finally grow any leaves again. It's still only got 3. If the bulb and root system is intact they seem to eventually come back but take their time doing so.
Post InfoPosted 02-Nov-2006 20:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male australia
yep, time is the only answer here - keep up the root feeding, and don't expect growth for at least a month after moving a lotus - they hate being shifted.
Post InfoPosted 02-Nov-2006 21:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 12-Oct-2006
male canada
Thanks all for the reply.

Sham, you mentioned the "the bulb and root system is intact", I didn't seem to notice the bulb when I moved my Lotus.. Not sure if I have accidentally removed it .

Will it grow back?
Post InfoPosted 02-Nov-2006 22:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 21-Apr-2004
female usa
I started some from bulbs and the bigger ones detached from the bulbs after creating an extensive root system(about 1-2years after planting). So it may not have a bulb. Some of the bulbs also started to grow a 2nd plant after the first seperated. I have a few other bulbs with exact species unknown and I think I've gotten 3 plants off 1 bulb. The first seperated, the 2nd I accidentally broke off cause it had grown into my driftwood and I was trying to get it apart, and now I have a 3rd one sprouting. I keep trading them into the lfs for new plant species.
Post InfoPosted 03-Nov-2006 01:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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