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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Low Light Plants
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SubscribeLow Light Plants
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Registered: 05-Mar-2007
male usa
Ok I've set up my 30 Gallon I have mostly Fake Plants but I want to try some live ones seeing how I have a 30 Gallon Tank with a 20 watt bulb anything that will live under low light conditions and something that doesn't really need to be planted or too much Special care I have normal rock substrate and not plant can anybody give me some idea's
Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2007 04:08Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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My only suggestion would be anubius or java fern, but I'm not even sure that they would be okay with less than 1 wpg.

I'm sure some of the more knowledgeable "plant guru's" will jump in though.


Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. -- Mark Twain
Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2007 04:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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Im pretty sure you can make a decent tank with just some floating water sprite or wisteria with anubias and java moss. Theres alot of tanks out there that are fairly simple, composed mainly of rock and driftwood with just plants as accents. It'll probably be the most reasonable aquascape for your scenario also if you'd want something more natural looking. I've had trouble with java fern in a 20 gallon with 18 watts, so they'll probably do poorly in your scenario also.
Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2007 04:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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I'd only float plants as a last resort. That will block out what little light you have for the plants lower in the tank. I'd say that java fern, java moss, anubias, and crypts would all be reasonable to try. The java fern, moss, and anubias you can tie to driftwood up closer to the surface of the water, at which point they'd receive more light.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2007 04:32Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 20-Nov-2006
male usa
Crypts, java fern, and anubius are my choices. I never had luck with java moss, the stuff just seems to melt away in my tanks no matter what the lighing. There are many great forms of anubius and crypts. If you can not find they at your LFS, they are always listed on ebay or other places on the net. I have been told that there is more than one variety of java fern, but from what I have seen, it all looks the same to me.
Another plant that you may try even though it isnt supposed to grow in a tank with that lighting is Aponogeton bulbs that you can find at Walmart. I have had tremendous luck with these guys. There "require" medium to high lighting, but I have got them to grow great in low light tanks. The cool thing is that the can adapt their leaves to different lighting conditions and current. The leaves may be short and stubby, long stalked with oval leaves, or may long and thin. It all depends on the tank.
They are also reasonably cheap, 4-6 for less than $4.
Good luck with your tank.

"There is also a Clown Pleco in this tank some where. I am telling you, HE IS IN HERE."
Post InfoPosted 20-Mar-2007 05:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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