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SubscribeMattyboombatty's Planted tank log(updated May 6th, 06)
Tenellus Obsessor
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It's funny how we're all getting the itch for new/ restarted tanks.

I got bored with my planted tank like 4-5 months ago(the tank has been up for 1 year and 4 months now). Ingo made me keep going. It's a good thing I did though, or I never would have come up with my modified EI schedule - and thus never would have enjoyed a higher light setup. I think it's important to switch things up or you lose interest(that's no excuse for rescaping every two months LF). At least I do.

I would stay away from a corner tank. Not that there isn't enough room, but it would provide a real challange when scaping it, starting first and foremost with the curved glass and how it effects the appearance of the scape.

Yeah, I thought it might be interesting to scape(though not as easy), and I've never had anything but a rectangular box.... Corner bows are more expensive(no discounts on tanks for me), so I doubt I'll go that route for just that reason. I bet if done right it would look pretty sweet though. Maybe I'll do that in the future with a 94 corner bow. That would be nice.

I'll probably get either the 40br or the 33. I think I'm going to get the 50 for my reef tank(Can't have two of the same tanks and upgrade the lights to T5 HO, and use the 3foot 2X96W PC fixture for the 40Br. The 33 is 4 feet long, and I'd have to get another fixture, and I don't think I can fit 2 new fixtures into the budget.

I am not gonna wait for you, instead I am going to enjoy my head start

*shakes fish at LF*
I guess chivalry is dead or whatever. So be it. You'll start over a few times before I even get going, so I guess it's fair.

There is no other explanation for why I seem to strip my 125 about every 2 months and move everything around.

Sure there're fidgety. With the plants, the fish, the equipment. Me, I just let my aquascape continue to go without vision. So either that or you're normal and I'm just lazy.

I'm going to come up with a great aquascape for the next tank. Instead of planning everything else out and spending little time on the actual scape design, I'm going to spend a few days coming up with an aquascape and plants that will fit it. As of now, I have no idea what I want.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 19:41Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Yeah, that pretty much sums it up

I'm going to come up with a great aquascape for the next tank
And that is what I am telling myself as well. But I did that for the 125G, too, and it didn't work out


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 20:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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And that is what I am telling myself as well. But I did that for the 125G, too, and it didn't work out

I think scaping a 40BR is going to be easier than scaping a 125. The key is finding proportionate rocks and DW and plants. Scaping the 125 is hard because it's so long and it's difficult to carry horizontal flow for 72 inches. That seemed to be on of the problems you kept running into - you'd wind up with a scape that looked like it could be a the scape for 3 different tanks rather than one continuous one. 36 is much much more managable. It's better IMO to have good depth compared to length, rather than overall length. I'd rather have 48X24 or 36X18 over 72X18 or a similar long tank.

I'm lookinf forward to seeing both your tanks, that way I can see what I'm up against

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 21:06Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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male usa us-northcarolina
And that is what I am telling myself as well. But I did that for the 125G, too, and it didn't work out

I think the key would be to use larger groups of less kinds of plants instead of small groups of lots of plants. At least for those of us that aren't as talented as others. Bensaf could probably make 20 different plants in a 10G tank look like there's good cohesion. Me I can't do that, so all I know is that my scape will probably be quite simple. I think that's what nowherman was trying to get to.

I didn't really do that with this tank. I went out with a simple scape plan that wasn't well defined and just tried to make the plants grow nice. I think I'm knowledgeable enough now to take the growing of most plants for granted and try to assemble a nice scape.

That's the hope anyways, not sure if I'll follow through on that.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 21:23Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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