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  L# Moss sporophytes
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SubscribeMoss sporophytes
Megil TelZeke
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'ello strangers

Anyways just thought I'd raise the question regarding a most peculiar moss behavior that is occurring rampantly in my 20G tank.

It seems that some moss I aquired a little under a year ago has decided, despite being underwater to send up sporophytes. I can take this only as a sign of how well the moss likes my tank, since otherwise it would not expend the energy to produce a sporophyte.

But anyways I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this with the mosses in their tanks.

Post InfoPosted 08-Oct-2006 23:06Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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I've never seen that, but then again I've only had java moss, which seems more than happy just to spread vegetatively.

Post InfoPosted 09-Oct-2006 01:31Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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Hey Megil, welcome back.

Nope, never seen that before. IME it just grows outwards and upwards, not reproducing, per se.

What kind of moss is it in particular?

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 10-Oct-2006 22:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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I noticed a couple of months ago that my java moss sent 1 up. It only lasted for about 5 days.
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 21:13Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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EditedEdited by DaMossMan
Hey stranger !

Do you mean spore capsules ? (which Dr. Benito Tan mentioned in his initial report on aquarium mosses) Capsules are very common in emmersed mosses, rare in submerged. The capsules and spores inside are the only true way of identifying the moss One of his understudies also asks for people to send them capsules for study. Many types of aquarium mosses are incorrectly labelled, while several new types are being discovered. (or I should say converted from semi-aquatic to aquatic, as opposed to discovered))

From a moss enthusiasts view this is a very interesting find ! Keep us posted. Pic ?

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 24-Oct-2006 18:15Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Piranha Bait
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male canada ca-ontario
Alex what's the word ?

I'm also curious as to your parameters since your moss responded so favorably to it. I've emptied my 10g in order to start growing out other moss samples before they go bad. Also did you use any Excel in there ?

The Amazon Nut...
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2006 05:51Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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