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SubscribeMy Low Light/Low Tech Set Up-what plants worked
Fish Addict
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Registered: 13-Apr-2004
male usa
EditedEdited by pookiekiller12
My 55g has 40w of light, a gravel substrate.

About two years ago I decided to see if I could successfully plant it.

What worked:
1. Java fern(of course)(my low tech champ) on rock and on driftwood, created enough babies to stock a small pond.
2. Java moss-anywhere it is placed, but it gets messy.
3. Hornwort- I often have to throw some away it grows so fast.
4. Several crypts including red wendi, a bronze version, lucens, and lutea.
5. Dwarf lilly (grown from bulbs at walmart) I just remove the pad that reaches toward the surface.
6. Anubias (attached to rocks) I do not know the species(not nana), purchased as potted plants from petsmart.

What has somewhat worked.
1. Ciliata- This crypt has lived 1+ years and produces new leaves often, but it is by no means flourishing.
2. Aponogen- (grown from bulbs at walmart) Living after years, but could not be said to flourish. They did flower shortly after introduction to the tank.
3. I have two different grass like plants that I do not know the species of(from petsmart). They live and grow new shoots, but I do not think they are living up to potential.
these are my newest plants about 7-8 months old.

What has not worked
1. Sword plants- Common ones, but I do not know the species. Mellon swords did not work either.
2. Ludwigia

These are all I can think of now, but I will edit post if I forgot any.

I dose flourish about every other week.
Post InfoPosted 06-Jun-2006 22:46Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Registered: 20-May-2005
male usa

Great list

It basically validates the usual recommendations we tend to make here with regards to low-light (which almost always are low tech as well) tanks, namemly Anubias, Crypts, Java Moss, and Java Fern.

It is further good to know that there are a few more in your list(s), like the Dwarf Lilly and the Hornwort (although I find the last plant so ugly that I basically never recommend it ).



Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 07-Jun-2006 01:02Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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