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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# New Planted Tank
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SubscribeNew Planted Tank
Small Fry
Posts: 1
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Registered: 04-May-2006
EditedEdited by jeepjon
I just got my tank up and running. It is a 10 gallon, and I DIY'ed my hood and base. I had a DIY stand a while ago. I basically used Furing strip (1*3), 1*4 pine, and crown moulding to make the hood and base, and I am using two Compact Flourescent Screw-In bulbs, (20W @ 6500K * 2). The tank is a 10 gallon AGA, with an aquaclear 150/30. I have some pictures to show of the hood and base, but none of the actual tank yet. I will update with pictures of the aquascape and initial plantings once everything settles down in the tank.

Here's the link to the picture:

I have added my substrate, which is kitty litter covered in Play sand and some gravel.

I also have added two pieces of driftwood, two bacopa, and one radican sword.

I'll post those updated pictures soon.
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 06:05Profile PM Edit Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Registered: 20-May-2005
male usa
Hi jeepjon ,

Welcome to FP.

Seems like a massive construction you got there, you sure are way more of a handyman than I ever will be. I would love to see the inside of that hood. Is there a glass top separating the bulbs and the water? Also is there enough ventilation in the hood for the generated heat?

With 4wpg (meaning 2x20W/10G=4wpg) over a 10G tank you should be able to grow medium light plants, the K rating sounds good as well.

The one thing I personally think is not so great is your choice of substrate. How come you placed kitty litter i there? Is that a question of cost of personal preference? How high is each layer? I would not be too surprised if that will turn out to be a problem.

Hope this helps,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 08-May-2006 10:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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