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SubscribeNew Tank- Scaping Comments.
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male australia
EditedEdited by cynical
I've had this tank going for a couple of months now, slow process doing it all on a budget.

40G (3ft)
3WPG (4 X 30W 3ft T8 Flouro)2x 6700K 2x red colour (never remember the k rating of that colour)
gravel over laterite
DIY C02 into cheapo powerhead.

let me know what you think of the scape/layout very interested on your comments.

Cheers Cynical
Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2006 05:20Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
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Hey your tank looks like its off to a good start. Have you read any of the planted logs?

What are you doing for ferts? (What, how much, how often?)

On thing I would sugest is adding some moss to your hardwear. You have nice DW and rocks but some moss would help it look more natural.

What parts do you like and what parts don't you like right now.

What are the plants. On looks like either Water Spirit or Wisteria. If its wisteria then maybe start playing around with keeping it low and move some of it closer to the front as in Tetratect's and my tank.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 07-Apr-2006 06:16Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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EditedEdited by cynical
yer i've read tetra's and LF's logs from the start, i'mnot much of a poster... i like to watch? (does that sound creepy?)

ferts are-
every second day, 1/4 teaspoon KN03 (more when plants fill in) & P04 (solution that works out to be a touch over 1ppm)
2X weekly flourish

moss is already on the wood and rocks, small amounts and allowing it to grow in.
the front LHS i plan to keep fairly bare of plants, front RHS i was hoping to get my E.tenelus to fill up but it seems to be struggling a bit, back is mainly wisteria and some E. Stellata thats growing in in the back right(for extra colour) infront of DW is a row of crypts wendtii, undulata? becketti, walkeri.. oh and some dianda just behind the dw.

What i really wanna know is, do you think i need more reddish plants?(keeping in mind the stellata still to grow in) and do you think my plan for the E.Tenelus is ok? (wanting almost a carpet of it infront of the rocks in the RHS) or just any comments from all of the great aquascaping minds here on FP.

Cheers Cynical

Post InfoPosted 10-Apr-2006 02:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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I think you are off to a pretty good start.

Moss on the rocks will be cool. Maybe add some Java Fern or Aubias too. That woud look nice.

Bring some Wisteria to the front side of the rocks and drift wood and keep it low. The micro swords will look nice but it takes time.

Think about an overall shape you want to go for when things fill in. If you want to run a triangle from upper left down to lower right then keep the tall DW as is. If you want to work with more of a centered arch then move it to the right a bit. so that its about 1/3 of the way over. Just some ideas. Keep us posted.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 10-Apr-2006 03:57Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Looking nice. What you would need now are not red plants but simply more plants . Once your scape is grown in then it would be time to concern yourself with where an accent red plant or two may be placed best.

I wouldn't know why a tenellus yard to the front right would not look good. You say you have problems with it right now - what kind of problems? When did you get them? Where they grown emersed?

I assume you want your horizontal piece of driftwood (and the rocks to the right) to be the divider between tall and shorter plants, right? If not then the wood would eventually become invisible and have no visual effect on the scape anymore (unlike the lovely piece on the left).

How about adding an Anubias Nana (or two or three) on top of the rocks to the right? That could look very nice.

About your CO2 - do you happen to know your ph and KH?

About your light: If I am not mistaken then the red ones are in a K range below 6000, maybe 5000 or 5500. Can you find out what yours is? Also, do you have all lights on all the time (and how long is your lighting period)?

And - Thanks for reading my log. Feel free to post to it at any time, even if you usually prefer to read only


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 10-Apr-2006 11:41Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male australia
First of all.. Thanks!

The tennelus is just not growing at the moment, i assumed it would be a fast grower, but nothing.. i actually got it from upikabu (a member you may know) was a bit of an aussie trade agreement so it was in the mail for a day, but idunno just never recovered?

your spot on with the driftwood arrangement!
also spot on with the anubias! i actually ordered some but they didn't come, supplier out of stock.
co2 currently off, had problems with my DIY (leaking connections) making another one soon! when it was working it was doing well at 30+ppm
lighting is all 3WPG for 11 and a half hours a day.

Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 04:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Well, if you got the plants from Paulus then we can be sure that they are submersed growth and as such should settle in rather quickly. How long ago was it that you got them?

You are using the same wpg than Wings does, but I am not certain if you have the same surface area (he has a 40 long, if I am not mistaken). I would be a little worried of having 3wpg running for such a long time, although Wings says he has no problems. Technically, would it be possible to turn them on seperately with a timer? Do you see any major signs of algae in your tank?


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 14:04Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
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would be a little worried of having 3wpg running for such a long time

Whats new?

I have some algae in my tank but nothing I am at all worried about.

3.25WPG 12 hours a day!

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 11-Apr-2006 18:12Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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LF, i got the plants a bit over a month ago.
the dimensions of thetank are 36LX14WX18H
I'm not worried about the lighting,i did have some algae at first just brown algae & thread algae, but after couple of weeks of plant growth, fert tweaking and the addition of 8 ottos, algae is gone!

still don't know why the chain sword won't grow, i trimmed some more dead leaves off last night, there is a couple of new growth leaves under there, maybe they finally gonna grow?!?

Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 00:25Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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I envy you for not having any algae problems

About the tenellus: I remember that when I got my first 2 pots from the LFS a year ago it only took a week or so before I started to see the first runner. Then, after a few months and intensive growth, I replanted them in the same tank but new position, and it took a little longer. About 6 months ago when I set up my big tank I added some in there (from the small tank) and it took even longer until runners came out. What I believe to have observed was that the new growth was much brighter than the existing leaves, which in turn withered (melted) away. Only when that process was completed did the plant start to send out runners.

So I would say it may well be that you are still in that phase. How do the leaves look like that you trim off, brown or thin?

Hope this helps,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 10:20Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male australia
EditedEdited by cynical
LF, thats only one tank,my 20G has been an ongoing battle with BGA for a while now (mainly because of the phenominal nitrate uptake of the wisteria something your soon to experience )

back on to the tank in question. the leaves i'm trimming are brown/yellow and thin. i'm seeing some new growth onthe plant now, just certainly never thought it would take this long.

Post InfoPosted 12-Apr-2006 23:38Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Yup,sounds like the plants are coming back then. On the other hand, have you considered that the reason they look like this is fertilizer deficiency? When I look at Chuck Gadd's Site your description would fit the bill for Nitrogen deficiency as well.

About the Wisteria and BGA: I had Wisteria in my tank when I initially set it up (and many other nutrient suckers, like Water Sprite) and I actually at that point had some BGA. On the other hand, my 20G Long had BGA in larger amounts without any Wisteria or the like. I am 99% certain that it was water flow related as the filter on one side of the tank was not capable of creating sufficient current on the other (AquaClear 50). Once I removed the BGA and placed the filter in the middle of the tank I have not seen any new BGA at all, even now that this tank has Wisteria in it. Just a thought.


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 13-Apr-2006 10:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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