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  L# New To Plant Cuttings?
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SubscribeNew To Plant Cuttings?
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male usa
i heard that you can cut some of a plant like a java fern and have it grow into different plants? i think cutting is the right word is it not?

but anyway what is a mother plant? as i see them for sale around me.
Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 02:20Profile Homepage Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
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male ireland
i heard that you can cut some of a plant like a java fern and have it grow into different plants?

Alot of plants can be trimmed and the cutting re-planted. The cutting will continue to grow. Where and how you cut varies depending on the species. For Fern cut a piece of the rhizome (the tube like thing the leaves grow from) with some leaves on it and re-plant. This doesn't apply to all plants. Some need to spread by themselves and can't be reproduced by cutting. Plants like Crypts and Swords would fall into this category.
Will it grow to a different plant? No it'll still be a Java Fern it won't turn into a rotala. Sorry , couldn't resist

i think cutting is the right word is it not?

Cutting, pruning, propogation , whatever floats your boat.

but anyway what is a mother plant? as i see them for sale around me.

A mother plant is uaually a large older slow growing species that typically can't be spread by cutting. With these plants you have to reply on the plant throwing out roots and runners around itself that will turn into new plants. A mother plant is one that is in this phase of producing new plants. If tou pull out a big mother plant crypt for example you'd probably find it has a lot of smaller plantlets attached to it.

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Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 03:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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