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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Plant Lighting
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SubscribePlant Lighting
platy boy
Posts: 131
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Registered: 23-Mar-2007
male canada
sorry to bother you all twice in one day but with a 6700 light how long does it have to be on every day for java moss, anubias and java ferns to be healthy

33 gallon 7 neon tetras-5 platys-3 bleeding heart tetras-2 corys-1 rainbow shark-2 L83 gibby plecos
Post InfoPosted 24-Mar-2007 23:36Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
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female usa
You could have just added this question to your other post...

In any case, this is the tank with .75 wpg, right?

Generally, 8-12 hours of light a day is normal. More or less depending on how the plants look. Invest in a timer (under five bucks at Walmart) to make the time regular.

~Meow. Thus spoke the cat.~
Post InfoPosted 25-Mar-2007 00:25Profile Homepage AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
platy boy
Posts: 131
Kudos: 74
Votes: 30
Registered: 23-Mar-2007
male canada
thanks a million and this was the one with the .75wpg

33 gallon 7 neon tetras-5 platys-3 bleeding heart tetras-2 corys-1 rainbow shark-2 L83 gibby plecos
Post InfoPosted 25-Mar-2007 00:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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