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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Planting Newb
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SubscribePlanting Newb
Fish Addict
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Registered: 23-Apr-2005
male canada
Hello, I just setup my 5gal, I'm going to buy the filter soon.

I was wondering because it one of those normal light bulbs, 15w can I plant it with Low light plans or will they all die?

10gallon: 8neons 5gallon: 1betta
Post InfoPosted 03-Jun-2006 16:55Profile PM Edit Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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"one of those normal light bulbs" - What does that mean? Like you have a top on your tank that has a 15W incandescent lightbulb? Do you have any idea about its K rating?

15W would in general not be too bad and I think low light plants should survive. The usual selection comes to mind, Anubias, Crypts, Java Moss, and Java Fern, whereby an Anubias Nana may get too big (over time) for a 5G.

Hope this helps,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 15:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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Registered: 23-Apr-2005
male canada
Perfect I just want Java Moos and Fern, I dont know what the K rating is sorry. But Thanks, I setup a new 5G with a femals betta and box filter(should of got a sponge guy told me box was better>.<

10gallon: 8neons 5gallon: 1betta
Post InfoPosted 04-Jun-2006 22:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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