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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# Planted Aquaria
  L# Plants...
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Fish Addict
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Im about to plant my 20g for the first time and would like some advice as to what plants i should be looking for..

ill be changing my lighting to a 40w bulb as advised by Frank in a different forum and leaving it on for around 10 hours a day..

im looking at getting some easy to maintain plants that do not require co2 but i will be adding fertiliser..

i have had asian ambulia which grew really well once it got settled

the idea is to put a bit of driftwood in and then plant around the back of that and something small from the front like that grass stuff...

any suggestions would be great! thanks!

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Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 01:05Profile PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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I would say Java Fern or Anubias is a good choice. Both are relativley undemanding. 2wpg isnt enough for demanding plants, But thats just for the *nicer* Plants

Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 01:30Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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EditedEdited by Theresa_M
Is this a 20 long or 20 high?

Not long ago my 20g (long) was a planted, Asian-themed tank. No co2, lighting was only 1 wpg.

My crypts grew like crazy, as well as the dwarf sag, which can give a carpet-effect depending upon how it's planted. In the photo there are also vals and the larger plant on the left, can't remember what it was

This thread has photos of my 30g. Again, low lighting and only planted with Anubias.

Attached Image:

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Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 02:05Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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Crypts are definitely a good choice...and there are many types so you have lots to choose from.
Anubias and java fern are good.

I grow Bacopa caroliniana in my 10g with 2wpg. It grows pretty fast too. I've also grown: wisteria, rotala rotundifolia (didn't look that great though), corkscrew vallisneria(sp?), dwarf sag, echinodorus tennellus, and rosette swords (very small swords...called echinodorus parviflora 'tropica'.

Different types of Hygrophilia will grow in that light...temple hygro, polysperma...

Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 03:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Addict
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female australia
EditedEdited by carpe_diem
thanks for all your replies! nice tank teresa!
thats the idea i sort of have in terms of the driftwood across the middle..
its a 20g long tank

i have anubia in a tank downstairs.. they are a hardy plant but im thinking of adding some purple colour in as well and having fern like plants and long thin type plants

so far i have 4 danios and 6 cories in the tank so something they could all play around...

and also do you just add the plants to your tank or do you 'treat' them in some way to stop anything unwanted being introduced into your tank?

Truth doesn't always win friends but it influences them
Post InfoPosted 31-May-2006 04:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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