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Ultimate Fish Guru
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male uk
Almost certainly been asked before. When you're potting plants that have that bit of foam around the bottom with the flexible weight wrapped around that are you supposed to leave that on permanantly, or just while the plant roots or not leave it on at all?

Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 12:08Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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male usa

I would suggest to remove the entity you call foam as well as the weights before planting.

The foam is a nutrient rich sponge that is used to get plants to grow fast, but in a tank it may leach too much stuff into the water column.

Most plants can be planted into the substrate just fine without the weights.


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 13:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male uk
KK, thanks a lot.

Will probably do that at home, planted them all with the foam and weights so will remove it tonite.

The main thing i was concerned about is that when the plants grow that the metal band around the bottom would crush the plants.
Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 13:50Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male pakistan
Hi bonny, little_fish,
The band is actually lead (the soft metal) that helps the plant weigh down. I believe lead can finally react with the chemicals and decay in form of lead salt which are highly poisonsous, not sure though if the concentration is going to be deadly enough in a larger tank.
What alternative method may be adopted to keep the plants down? Its my biggest headache maintaining my planted tank.

(especially, I'ce badly failed in keeping the stem plants planted)
Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 15:45Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
If you have small enough gravel (~2-3mm) or smaller, you shouldn't have a problem keeping the plants planted. Actually the gravel that I just took out of my 55g was around 4-5mm and the plants stayed down. Just push the end of the plants as far as you can into the gravel. One thing that has really helped me plant my plants is some big tweezer things. I got mine online at They help alot when planted stem plants.

Here is a visual. I have the curved tipped ones.

Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 17:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male uk
I've got sand in my tank, lot lower mantainance and a lot more pleasing to the eye imo.
Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 17:11Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male pakistan
Thanks GirlieGirl, looks like a really good idea. I too have sand in my tank but the level is around 2 inches only. I think I should have a deeper substrate bed for the plants. The thing I tried (and that worked for me) was wrapping a piece of cotton cloth around the stem to be planted at the bottom and filling that little bag with gravel and then tie it up using elastic threads. Then plant this bag in the gravel itself. Works great for holding the plants down but I had concerns for root growth.
Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 17:52Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male uk
Well i've removed the foam and metal from all of the plants except one. I'm gonna use this one as a control and see how it does.

Yeah i know it's very unscientific as it's a different species of plant and may be more/less suited to my tank than others but it's worth a try.
Post InfoPosted 19-Jul-2006 20:06Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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