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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Real Plants in Aquariums?
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SubscribeReal Plants in Aquariums?
Small Fry
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Registered: 12-Jun-2007
Hey guys, I was thinking about putting real plants in my 35g aquarium. What are nice looking, relatively easy to care for plants? Is it true that when you get real plants in you tank you then get snails? I remember when I had my first tank (10g) I put some real plants in there, and in about 1 month my tank got infested with small snails.

Will this "snail infestation" happen again in my 35g tank if I put real plants in my tank again?

I did another thread in general freshwater, i didnt even realize that there was a plant section, sorry for the mixup.
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2007 08:30Profile PM Edit Report 
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female australia
I'm praying for no snails myself ^^ scared of them 0_0

But I suppose there's ways of rinsing plants to kill off any snails, I'll leave that for when some more experienced forum people arrive ^^

I was given This Site to get some easy to care for plant names, and for myself I have 2 Anubias and one Java fern ^^

Good luck!
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2007 08:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Oh My Heck!
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male usa
I have a ten gallon & a 35 gallon tank. Take alook at my posts for some ideas on plants. Also i have snails in my tanks. I use Cherry barbs to keep the babies down and i dont over feed. If you dont overfeed you wont see a large population of snails. Snails are actually helpful to the tank as they breakdown the debris from food and fish poop. They are part of the natural Cycle.

Thanks for your input as always, Shane - [ Thanks to ScottF ]
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2007 09:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Member MTS Anonymous
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Registered: 09-Jan-2007
male usa
Hi i posted to you at the thread you left in General Freshwater, check it out for my 2 cents.

mts.gif" border="0"> I vote do you?
My Tanks at Photobucket
Post InfoPosted 27-Jun-2007 14:15Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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