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L# Freshwater Aquaria
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  L# Red Hygrophila corymbosa?
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SubscribeRed Hygrophila corymbosa?
Fish Addict
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Registered: 10-Oct-2003
male usa us-pennsylvania
Hello all. Has anyone very herd of Red Hygrophila corymbosa? I have seen this plant in a display tank at a LFS and in a few pictures in the Baench Aquarium atlases. I have never seen it for sale and i have never come across a profile on it. Does anyone keep this plant. If you do, it would be nice to see pictures of it and maybee even a profile of it on this website.
The plant is not the tropica sunset variety of H. polysperma. It looks almost exactly the same as the regular Hygrophila corymbosa but it has a deep red color.
I also know that the regular Hygrophila corymbosa can get pink as i am staring to expieience this with my new power compacts but not a deep red.
Post InfoPosted 05-Nov-2006 21:27Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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