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SubscribeRegulator pressure guage question
Tenellus Obsessor
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male usa us-northcarolina
So...this is the first time my CO2 has run out. It didn't run out fast, I've had it going for at least 8-10 months. About 4 days ago my high pressure regulator read 1000+ psi and yesterday it was 0. My question is if this is the norm...I thought that the high pressure guage decreased slowly as to let you know that a filling would be needed soon. What's everybody's experience on that?

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2006 18:24Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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I think that's normal Matty. The left guage (High pressure) is usually between 700 and 100psi whether it's full or almost empty. Once it drops basically there is no more liquid co2 keeping the pressure up. The only way I know of to tell how full the tank is by weight. Once refilled you could weigh every month or so and you'll know in the future how full your tank is.

My Scapes
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2006 18:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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male usa us-northcarolina
Thanks tetratech.

So the high pressure guage is

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2006 19:14Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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So the high pressure guage is useless
Nooo, it's not. At least it tells you that something is in the bottle

Can you get a new bottle rather quickly now? That would be kinda important.


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Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2006 20:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Don't wait a week to get a new bottle - bad things can happen

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2006 20:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tenellus Obsessor
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Registered: 26-Mar-2004
male usa us-northcarolina
Nooo, it's not. At least it tells you that something is in the bottle

Well the low pressure guage tells me that too.

Yeah, I already got a fill. There's a weld supply 5 minutes down the road.

Critical Fertilator: The Micromanager of Macronutrients
Post InfoPosted 01-Nov-2006 23:19Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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