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  L# Sinking Hornwort
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SubscribeSinking Hornwort
Queen of Zoom
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Registered: 04-Jan-2004
female usa us-maryland
I ordered some water sprite and hornwort to help with the BGA problem I'm having in a few of my tanks.

The plants arrived today looking very healthy. I gave them a good rinsing and put them in the tanks. I'd say more than half of the hornwort pieces sank to the bottom; I've never had that happen before.

Is this common and will they return to being floating plants at some point? Being on the substrate they really have my shellies confused

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 11-May-2006 04:15Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Fish Geek
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Registered: 11-Nov-2005
female australia
Hi Theresa, I had the same problem with the hornwort I got. It seems to have a mind of its own! It started off floating and then it sinks and then it floats again. I just left it alone but in the end I took it out, it was sooooooo messy, I think mine was the finer leaf one.

I tried water sprite in there as well but it just would not grow. I put some in my smaller tank and it is flourishing??? Cant figure that out, they both have the same water parameters so it is really weird. When I get enough i'm going to try some back in my 4ft, but as for the hornwort - dont think i'll bother with it again.

Those who say they cant, Never will !!!
Post InfoPosted 11-May-2006 05:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Queen of Zoom
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Registered: 04-Jan-2004
female usa us-maryland
Well that's strange, at least I know I don't have the only odd hornwort

Mine isn't even moving...what originally floated still is, what originally sand is still on the bottom.

Since I bought it to help with the BGA as opposed to being decorative it doesn't really bother me, but of course my husband had to ask are those plants really supposed to be there?

There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Post InfoPosted 12-May-2006 16:42Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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male usa
EditedEdited by NowherMan6
Theresa - you may have the "submersum" variety (as opposed to "demersum" ) I've found that C. submersum is a bit denser in many senses, the needles are a bit thicker and more thickly packed together, them stem is heavier - I've also found that it sinks sometimes. C. demersum is more feathery, that's the normal hornwort we know and love/ hate

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 13-May-2006 15:57Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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