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SubscribeSnails Eating Amazon Sword Help !!!!!
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
i have only had this plant for about 3 days and all ready they starting to eat it How can i stop they
I thought about buy a yoyo loach or some type of fish that eats them plus they need to get on with my flying fox.
Is they and small fish that will eat these snails. I have tryed every thing but cant get rid of them
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 20:44Profile PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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What size tank is it?

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Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 21:12Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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hi thanks for getting back so quick the tank 180 litre = 40 uk gallons the tank make is a juwel vision 180
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 21:19Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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For what it is good for: my snails don't eat healthy plants, only dying matter. What kind of snails are that? And why are they there? Instead of getting a fish to eat them, how about feeding less to the fish and as such avoiding all the waste that serves as the food source for the snails? And how about if you go and hand pick as many as you can, like during water changes and such (best is always when the light just comes on)?


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Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 21:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male uk
i fogot to say who is in the tank

15 neon tetras
1 dwarf gourami male (still loking for female)
9 lamchop rasboras
5 zebra danios
1 false flying fox
3 shrimp (1 male and 2 female)

can i get a fish that will eat the snails and dont the shrimps
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 21:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
thanks Little_Fish

i dont know wat snails they are they jsut came one day

i think they are apple snails i nealy got rid of them all but now they seem to becoming back i think i am going to have to remove them by hand
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 21:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Applesnails don't usually breed out of control unless you have marisas. All other common species of applesnail lay their eggs above water so are easily controlled by just removing the rather large and usually quite noticeable pink egg clutches. Try the aquatic snail guide for an ID There are a few types of ramshorn(planorbidae) that quite enjoy live plant snacks. Most snail species though don't eat large amounts of plant matter unless the plant is already dying. Cana applesnails are about the only ones that eat live plants without pause and you'd have no trouble seeing and eliminating those guys.
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 21:58Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
Thanks for the web site sham
ye i think they are rams horn snails. Do they eatlive plants I found some pink snail eggs recentl but they where on the bottom of the tank on the gravel

The plant has some dead on it. do u think they are eatting that or eatting the algea off it though i cant see any algea. I dont no if i am being silly over the hole thing, being over pretective of my plant
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 22:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Most likely they are eating the dead parts. Most species don't eat the live parts and some ramshorns are quite desirable for a planted tank. They have even developed red and blue ones and people often sell them on aquabid for planted tanks. I think I still have a red one in my 55g somewhere. It can't multiply because the trumpet snails eat the eggs but it shows up occasionally.
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 22:37Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
ok ye i think that is what they must be doing the dead bits are realy holes in the leaves and it is only on one leaf so i am not realy to fused. As i said i have no idea how they got in there they just turned up one day

But thanks every one for the help
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 22:53Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Hi there,
they most likely came in on a plant as snails or eggs.
For snail eating fish theres several options,
however you have shrimp in the tank and its very very
unlikely that whatever will eat the snails wont eat
the shrimp.
Yoyo loaches or Angelicus (polka dot)loaches would be my first choice.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 11-Oct-2006 23:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female usa
My yoyos quite enjoy small shrimp so if you have anything like cherry or rainbow shrimp they'll probably be eaten. Amanos and adult ghost shrimp or larger might be ok. I tossed some fully grown ghost shrimp in the yoyo tank a few months ago and still saw some running around in there yesterday but all the smaller shrimp I moved got eaten.
Post InfoPosted 12-Oct-2006 05:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 07-Dec-2005
male uk
thanks for the help guys i think i will leave it for the time being. If they eat any more then i think i will have to remove them. Thanks for the help
Post InfoPosted 12-Oct-2006 12:21Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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