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  L# Starting up a 40g Breeder
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SubscribeStarting up a 40g Breeder
Tainted Glory
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Registered: 03-Dec-2005
male usa
Alright so I just sold my 120g and am going to add a tank to my bedroom. The appeal and pizzaz of monster fish doesn't do it for me. So, inspired by Ingo's log, I'm going to do a 40g breeder. All I know is that filtration will come by way of Eheim 2217 and lighting will come from a 36" Aqualight 6700k. Eco complete will be the substrate. I need recommendations for CO2 and plants. I'll update this later, I'm in a bit of a rush.
Post InfoPosted 03-Sep-2006 00:36Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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Well, I guess I just got some competition here with the same tank size.

Mike - What kind of advice with regards to CO2 are you looking for?

Like if you should go pressurized? - From me, a big YES
Like what brand to get? - I have some info for that as well, including where you can get a bottle, but is probably not the cheapest place for that.

About the light: what is a 36" Aqualight 6700k? Is that a CoraLife light, and as such even that you copied of me ?

Anyway, ask away,


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 03-Sep-2006 00:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tainted Glory
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male usa
Well, I'm on a budget. I pretty much broke even on my 120g and just spent $450 on a snake. I'd like to keep the costs down if possible.

Ingo, you wouldn't happen to have an instant messenger would you? I'm actually planning on copying your exact setup more or less.
Post InfoPosted 03-Sep-2006 01:02Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
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male usa
I'm actually planning on copying your exact setup more or less.

Hey, come up with your own ideas, will you?

I assume you only mean hardware, or do you even mean plants, rocks, wood, and maybe even fish?

I have IM, but it is my work IM and the last thing I want is to sign on from home and have some work issue pop up. So, you will have to ask away here at FP


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 03-Sep-2006 01:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Tainted Glory
Posts: 97
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Registered: 03-Dec-2005
male usa
Alright, I've got a few minutes to myself so I'll ask all my questions here.

I'm redoing my bedroom next weekend and want to incorporate a fishtank in there somehow. A 40g seems to be the perfect size, so that's why I chose it.

I've never had a full blown planted tank, so I'm clueless when it comes to ferts, CO2, etc.

How often should I dose the tank, and with what ferts?

What CO2 system should I buy? I want something simple and relatively inexpensive.

Post InfoPosted 03-Sep-2006 02:30Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
***** Little Fish *****
Master of Something
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Registered: 20-May-2005
male usa

A fully planted tank requires quite some research before one should go ahead and set it up, including research regarding plant needs (in terms of light, ferts, and CO2).

The next step would be to identify what plants one would like to grow in the tank. based on this one can determine what setup would be required. For example, there is no need for high light and CO2 if a tank is stuffed with Anubias and Java Fern.

I would suggest you start off by reading Tom Barr's Estimative Index, this is basically the concept that most of us follow, with variations. Here, you will learn more about ferts and a few other things.


Proud Member of the New Jersey Aquatic Gardeners Club
Post InfoPosted 03-Sep-2006 12:01Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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