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SubscribeStocking My New 55 Gallon Planted
Big Fish
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male usa
Okay so the Canister Filter Costs about $100. Google is they key to Life. So Also the picture looks like it will work well, Nice Setup. You just need to take away the [IMG] On both sides and the link will work. I still say Blue Rams are the best. Regardless of Temps they can go from 75 degrees all the way to 84. I dont know what this temperature concern is all about.

Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 04:57Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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ok here it is.....

Anyone else please let me know what you think of me having Blue rams in the tank and if you think the temp will be ok for them and pandas to live together ok. I may go with the canister filter...I just need to know how they work.
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 05:00Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Blue rams are pretty tolerant of temperature,
I agree, 75-85 anywhere in there should
be just fine for them.

Canister filters work in a simple way.
The water is sucked up through a tube,
and flows down to the bottom of the
filter, or top, depending on which kind.
The water flows through the media, 100%,
unlike HOBS which often allow spillover and flow
past, as the media is never a tight fit.
A Canister ensures 100% of the water is cleaned
to perfection, where a HOB might ensure like 70% of
the water is cleaned.
Canisters are easy to use.
Theres one tube runs in to the tank, for input,
which uptakes water into the filter.
Then theres an outflow tube that runs water back into
your aquarium.

Ive used a lot of HOBs and now have replaced every single
one with a canister.
I plan on replacing the HOB on my 10g with a canister
as well, once the HOB dies.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 07:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
This is making me think. Should I get one for my 29g? Thanks.

Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 15:11Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Ok so I agree now that I will be getign a canister filter. It seems worth the investment

As far as the rams go I have made up my mind that I will be getting two Blue rams but that is it for the rams.

How does the setup look you guys? Thanks Garofoli for the compliment.

So this tank (and all other need things) will be purchased at the end of this month (Christmas present) I will begin cyclying (with my platies) for a month. Then I will begin adding new fish.
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 20:09Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Ok here is a all NEW stocking list.....hopefully this will be the last one

-12 harlies
-a pair of blue rams
-8 otos
-cherry shrimp
-12-14 pandas

temp around 76-77?
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 20:42Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
This is making me think. Should I get one for my 29g? Thanks

I have a canister on my 25g tank rated for 40 gallons.
It works great and since the tank is only lightly (very)
stocked, the canister only needs to be cleaned once every 6 months, instead of every 3, and isnt even very dirty then.

Platy, your final stocking looks good to me.
Platies may eat cherry shrimp though - they
are pretty small and platy mouths are pretty big.
I actually found my beckford's pencilfish eating
a cherry shrimp the other day, and those guys have
teeny tiny little mouths, I didnt think it was
I have removed my pencilfish now from the tank
and it will be a strictly shrimp and cory tank.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 21:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Oh ok thanks for the tip, do you know any other shrimp I could put in that the platies wont bother? Amono maybe?

So_Very_Sneaky...... what kind of cories do you have. You dont think the temp difference in Rams and my Pandas will be a probalem?

Thanks fro the help!
Post InfoPosted 04-Dec-2006 21:14Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Onto another topic of the ramms I was thinking four? Anyone object?
Post InfoPosted 05-Dec-2006 02:22Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Hear, Hear, I say find 3 Pairs and have 6 Rams! Altough It would be best if you had a separate tank you could pair them off with and then put the guaranteed pairs into the Main tank.

Post InfoPosted 05-Dec-2006 03:13Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
Platy, I have lots of diff types of corys
here. I keep peppered, ambiacus, trilineatus,
bronze and albino, and hasbrosus.
I keep all my fish at 82F, always.

For rams, the more the better. They are highly
social fish.
I kept 5 bolivians, 3 males and 2 females,
for years. All but 1 has now passed on to old age,
but they were wonderful. I actually kept a balloon
blue ram with them for a time too, and it was also
very social with the bolivians. However it died
suddenly, as these balloon varieties often have serious
health issues.
I wouldnt have bought one myself, but it was a gift.

If it helps to know, my sister keeps blue/gold rams
in her 33g, with panda corys, and the temp is
usually 78 most of the year, and up to 84-86 in the
summer cuz her place is hot. Shes had the pandas 2 years now with no issues.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 06-Dec-2006 00:08Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Thank you soo much So_Very_Sneaky. You have been very helpful through all this. I am thinking I will get 2 golds and 2 blues now.

But if I keep the temp around 77-78 will it be too cold for the rams as I heard they like 82-84?
Post InfoPosted 06-Dec-2006 03:32Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
You could always split the difference at about 79
That would probably work for both well.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 06-Dec-2006 04:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
*Chants* Start the Log! Start the Log!

Post InfoPosted 06-Dec-2006 05:10Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
Lol I will start the log when I get the tank in a few weeks. There will be pics of the tank just not many detail pics as a I have a dumb camera
Post InfoPosted 06-Dec-2006 05:19Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
OK so here is the last and finalstocking list for this tank.

14-Panda Corydoras
12-Harlequin Rasboras
Shrimp- still havent decided on the species.
2-Blue Rams
2-Gold Rams

I think I will like this How about you. Any reeccomendations as to any fish I might like to add?
Post InfoPosted 06-Dec-2006 05:31Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
For shrimp,
I would highly recommend Bamboo/Wood/Flower
shrimp. These guys get big - about 2.5-3 inches,
and are a filter feeder - so they work like a water
polisher to keep the water clean.
They sit near filter outputs or air stones and filter
floating debris out of the tank.
They range in colour from looking like a peice
of bark, to a bright red shrimp with a white
stripe. Theres no risk any of the fish you have would
eat them, and they do keep the water crystal clear.

Another option - Amano shrimp. These are a larger, algae
eating shrimp, that tip about 2 inches in length. They look
similar to ghost shrimp, but bigger, and with a more
greenish colouring of the carapace. They are unlikely to
be eaten as they will actually defend themselves from

If you coupled Amanos with Wood shrimp, youd have
no algae and no floating debris.

Ghost shrimp are good too , they also eat algae,
and grow about twice the size of cherry shrimp.
They tend to be very cheap, so if they did get
eaten they are easily replaceable.
Here they cost 89 cents each at the petsmart,
which is a heck of a lot less than Cherry shrimp,
which are currently running 7-10 dollars here,
though you can get them from local breeders for

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 07-Dec-2006 00:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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Registered: 12-Apr-2006
male usa
I would highly recommend Bamboo/Wood/Flower
shrimp. These guys get big - about 2.5-3 inches,
and are a filter feeder - so they work like a water
polisher to keep the water clean.
They sit near filter outputs or air stones and filter
floating debris out of the tank.
They range in colour from looking like a peice
of bark, to a bright red shrimp with a white
stripe. Theres no risk any of the fish you have would
eat them, and they do keep the water crystal clear.

Are you talking about Fan shrimp likie the GIANT AFRICAN FAN SHRIMP???

Post InfoPosted 07-Dec-2006 00:54Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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female canada
singapore wood shrimp.

Come Play Yahtzee With Me!
Post InfoPosted 07-Dec-2006 13:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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