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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# Planted Aquaria
  L# Suggestions for tank
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SubscribeSuggestions for tank
Small Fry
Posts: 11
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Registered: 14-Nov-2003
male canada
I am looking for some sugestions on planting my tank (72G). Livestock will include severum, blua acara, german rams (maybe not), barbs, loaches, BN, zebra danios or beunos aires terta. Now never actually using live plants before I am somewhat clueless to what might be suitable for a tank set up with these fish. I was thinking something simple such as Java fern and/or Java moss but most SA/CA cichlids have a tendency to dig up/rip out plants. I am using a gravel subtrate so I would prefer something that grows on driftwood and rock. Would Java Fern and Java Moss be ok or some other plants or should I maybe use fake plants (I really don't want to).
Post InfoPosted 20-Apr-2006 23:07Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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