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  L# What is the best way to grow java fern?
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SubscribeWhat is the best way to grow java fern?
Fish Addict
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Registered: 10-Oct-2003
male usa us-pennsylvania
hello. I have been researching this the past couple nights. Every web page says that it will thrive in low light with no ferts. I came across a lot of interesting picture and even discovered that there is a narrow leaved tropica java fern. I will give a link to it if anyone is interested. I have the regular java, the lace and narrow.
I bought a book recently and it said that they should have a lot of ammonium to thrive. How do you do this in a cycled tank?
Post InfoPosted 08-Dec-2006 23:13Profile Homepage PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
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male usa
I bought a book recently and it said that they should have a lot of ammonium to thrive. How do you do this in a cycled tank?

I don't think your fish would appreciate that

There's no secret to growing java fern varieties. It needs the same elements as other plants to thrive and grow: C, N, P, K, micros and light. The difference is, it - along with other hardy plant varieties such as anubias - tolerate a wide range of conditions regarding these elements. It is often called a low-light plant, but will do well in high tech, high light CO2 enriched tanks. It will also do well in low-light non-CO2 tanks. So long as the rhizome is not buried, you can expect it to flourish. Fish waste and missed fish food can provide enough

My favorite variety is the Narrow leaf fern. Its leaves grow a little longer and much thinner than regular java fern. it also grows surprisingly quick for a java variety.

Back in the saddle!
Post InfoPosted 08-Dec-2006 23:33Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
"Thrive" I think not. Survive and grow, yes but slowly.

If you want it to grow well, treat it like any other plant, just like NowhereMan said.

I have about 2 WPG and a DIY CO2, mine took off! The lace I have covered the piece I had it on in no time. The regular was putting out new leaves on an almost daily basis.


Post InfoPosted 09-Dec-2006 12:37Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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