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L# Freshwater Aquaria
 L# Planted Aquaria
  L# What lights do I need?
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SubscribeWhat lights do I need?
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Registered: 18-Jul-2003
female australia
I have asked several shops (via email) about this, so I am hoping someone here can help.

I have a reflector that came with white tubes fitted. The specifications are PL reflector PR-30 18 Wx2 globes. I want to replace the globes with ones more suited to encourage plant life (currently all my plants are silk ones), but what globes do I need to get. The ones in there are small double ones, shaped like the letter U (sort of)

Can anyone help?
Post InfoPosted 21-Dec-2006 13:11Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Guru
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It sounds like you are on the right track for lights. The ones that you have are called Power Compacts. They are one of the more powerful lights we can use on our tanks.

The lights you want to put in it should be labled Sunlight or Daylight or if you can find something around 6,700K. This is the spectrum that the plants can used the best.

55G Planted tank thread
19G Container Pond
Post InfoPosted 21-Dec-2006 15:06Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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