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  L# Lighting Heat?
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SubscribeLighting Heat?
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Registered: 30-Jan-2004
male usa
Ok, I have went back and overlooked my lighting for when I upgrade. I have incorperated MH lights into my setup. They include

2-Advance Magnetic Ballasts
2-10,000k bulbs
1-CF ballast
2?-CF 96W Actintic 03 bulbs

This comes as a retrofit kit with a reflector and an option of fans. I can get one or 2 of the following, 3 inch fans, 3.5 inch fans, or 4.5 inch fans. I think I will just get 4.5 inch fans no matter what, but how many do you think I will need? They will be in a partially enclosed canopy with side vents and a partially open back for equip.

Last edited by fantomfish at 11-Oct-2004 20:26
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:28Profile ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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Registered: 22-Jan-2003
male usa
Two fans will be fine, but you may need to have a full open back. They will generate a lot of heat.

Also plan for alot of water top offs with that lighting and the fans. 3 gallons a day wouldn't be un common.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:28Profile PM Edit Report 
DarkRealm Overlord
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male usa us-colorado
Mikey is right, 3 gallons a day isnt uncommon. With what I run I evap. between 10 and 12 gallons a day.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:28Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
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male usa
That's insanity. If you're evapping that many gallons a day, you need to ditch the circulation method and get a chiller.

If you do decide to go with fans, make sure they're either both blowing into the canopy, or both sucking out of the canopy. I would suggest blowing in.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:28Profile AIM PM Edit Report 
DarkRealm Overlord
Posts: 5962
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Registered: 23-Sep-2002
male usa us-colorado
If you're evapping that many gallons a day, you need to ditch the circulation method and get a chiller

I want the evaporation for Kalkwasser addition, atleast till I get a bigger calcium reactor. For the size of my tank, and the lighting that I have over it, that amount of evap isnt that bad.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:28Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
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