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L# Marine Aquaria
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  L# Suggestions for Directions with Tank
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SubscribeSuggestions for Directions with Tank
Posts: 26
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Registered: 16-Jan-2005
male usa
I have a fairly new tank (3 months) and am wondering which way to go from here, as i have learned from my "that fish looks cool, i'll buy it" days.

Tank Specs/Inhabitants

1 Maroon Clownfish (3" )
1 Yellow-Eyed Tang (4" )
1 Algea Goby (3" )
1 Six-Lined Wrasse (1.5" )

1 Rose Anemone (4" diamater)
2 Feather Dusters
1 Torch Frag

Fluval 404
Bak-Pak Skimmer
Rio 1100 Powerhead (300 gal/h)

40 pounds figi/florida live rock
20 pounds crushed coral
20 pounds live bio sand

1x95 watt PC "Daybright" White light
1x95 watt PC Actinic 03 Blue Light

This is probably the most fish I will get, I want to focus on inverts, with a specific family or genus, or maybe a location such as Florida/Gulf, Indo-reef etc.

Any and all comments/suggestions/laughing at my amateurness wanted. Photos will be up later.

Last edited by IgOtSoMeFiSh at 20-Jan-2005 01:01
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:28Profile PM Edit Report 
Posts: 145
Kudos: 95
Votes: 2
Registered: 13-Aug-2004
male usa
You obvously know nothing about the symbiotic/patheologic relation between fish and inverts J/K

I'm looking forword to cleaning that skimmer.

What did you do with your damsels?

Whater your parameters?

Hows that fluval working out so far?

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:28Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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