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 Reviewed Profiles
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Update: Anubias nana; Field: Scientific Name
This is another variety of A. barteri....
sirbooks406-Nov-2006 12:51
New Profile: Anubias barteri var. barteri
Created new profile for review...
sirbooks706-Nov-2006 12:51
Update: Anubias nana; Field: Comments
Minor spelling/grammar errors....
Natalie305-Nov-2006 15:58
Update: Boehlkea fredcochui ; Field: Common Names
Minor grammatical error....
Natalie305-Nov-2006 15:58
Update: Centropyge resplendens; Field: Comments
Revised version. Abstract:
sirbooks505-Nov-2006 09:32
Update: Centropyge resplendens; Field: Comments
sirbooks1005-Nov-2006 05:50
Update: Echinodorus rubin; Field: Temperature Range
again, *F<--->*C...
mattyboombatty403-Nov-2006 18:09
Update: Echinodorus rubin; Field: Temperature Range
*C <--> *F...
mattyboombatty702-Nov-2006 23:07
Update: Bacopa caroliniana; Field: Propagation
mattyboombatty402-Nov-2006 20:21
Update: Bacopa caroliniana; Field: Care
mattyboombatty602-Nov-2006 20:20
Update: Rotala rotundifolia; Field: Care
mattyboombatty302-Nov-2006 16:09
Update: Heros severus; Field: Markings
zachf92602-Nov-2006 14:32
Update: Heros severus; Field: Tail
zachf92401-Nov-2006 23:16
New Profile: Bacopa caroliniana
Created new profile for review...
mattyboombatty1001-Nov-2006 22:29
New Profile: Rotala rotundifolia
Created new profile for review...
mattyboombatty601-Nov-2006 20:00
New Profile: Echinodorus rubin
Created new profile for review...
mattyboombatty701-Nov-2006 20:00
Update: Heros severus; Field: Mouth
zachf92301-Nov-2006 18:41
Update: Corydoras schwartzi; Field: Markings
sirbooks327-Oct-2006 10:02
Update: Corydoras schwartzi; Field: Mouth
sirbooks327-Oct-2006 10:02
Update: Corydoras schwartzi; Field: Tail
sirbooks327-Oct-2006 10:01
New Profile: Neoglyphidodon oxyodon
Created new profile for review...
Calilasseia426-Oct-2006 03:48
New Profile: Abudefduf saxatilis
Created new profile for review...
Calilasseia623-Oct-2006 07:04
Update: Pseudobalistes fuscus; Field: Ecosystem
Minor typo correction as specified when profile submitted....
Calilasseia319-Oct-2006 07:48
New Profile: Pseudobalistes fuscus
Created new profile for review. Note: minor glitch when I was copying and pasting the spell checked original from Microsoft Word - under Ecosystem, t...
Calilasseia418-Oct-2006 17:42
Update: Ancistrus sp.; Field: Care
Jimbooo317-Oct-2006 21:32
New Profile: Ceratophyllum demersum
Created new profile for review...
Calilasseia1010-Oct-2006 14:24
Update: Satanoperca jurupari; Field: Temperament
the original text will make others believe that this fish is aggressive, while in actuality, it is a peaceful fish....
zachf92208-Oct-2006 03:41
Update: Phractocephalus hemioliopterus; Field: Gender Differences
red_tail_catfish407-Oct-2006 00:07
Update: Corydoras sterbai; Field: Variants
Add info......
Natalie306-Oct-2006 12:54
Update: Monocirrhus polyacanthus; Field: Family
I don't think the Leaf Fishes have been classified as Nandids for a long time......
Natalie306-Oct-2006 12:54
Update: Lymphocystis Lympho Cauliflower Disease; Field: Comments
Adding bit about occurrence of freshwater Lympho....
Natalie206-Oct-2006 00:00
Update: Corydoras sterbai; Field: Comments
Removing variant info......
Natalie205-Oct-2006 23:59
Update: Corydoras sterbai; Field: Variants
Adding variant info......
Natalie305-Oct-2006 23:58
Update: Ludwigia glandulosa; Field: Care
Sp. of consistent...
mattyboombatty304-Oct-2006 07:05
Update: Ludwigia glandulosa; Field: Description
Spelling of "reddish"....
mattyboombatty304-Oct-2006 07:05
Update: Eigenmannia virescens; Field: Care
Add note to alert potential keepers to the fact that this is a weakly electric fish like the Mormyrids....
Calilasseia304-Oct-2006 07:05
Update: Anubias nana; Field: Lighting
Spelling of "fluorescent"......
Natalie404-Oct-2006 07:04
Update: Monocirrhus polyacanthus; Field: Comments
Adding info from my personal experience......
Natalie404-Oct-2006 07:04
Update: Heteranthera zosterifolia; Field: Lighting
Changing "3" to "three", which is more grammatically correct....
Natalie404-Oct-2006 03:14
Update: Pistia stratiotes; Field: Lighting
Spelling of "fluorescent"......
Natalie404-Oct-2006 02:15
Update: Hygrophylia polysperma; Field: Lighting
Spelling of "fluorescent"......
Natalie404-Oct-2006 02:14
Update: Potamogeton gayii; Field: Lighting
Natalie404-Oct-2006 02:14
Update: Glossostigma elatinoides; Field: Lighting
Spelling of "fluorescent"......
Natalie304-Oct-2006 01:16
Update: Echinodorus tenellus; Field: Care
Spelling of "nutritious"......
Natalie404-Oct-2006 01:16
New Profile: Ludwigia glandulosa
Created new profile for review...
mattyboombatty604-Oct-2006 01:15
New Profile: Pistia stratiotes
Created new profile for review...
mattyboombatty503-Oct-2006 14:54
New Profile: Potamogeton gayii
Created new profile for review...
mattyboombatty603-Oct-2006 14:54
New Profile: Glossostigma elatinoides
Created new profile for review...
mattyboombatty603-Oct-2006 14:53
Update: Microsorum pteropus; Field: Comments
Addition of varieties...
mattyboombatty703-Oct-2006 13:26
New Profile: Heteranthera zosterifolia
Created new profile for review...
mattyboombatty502-Oct-2006 22:08
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