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 Technical Tinkering
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Instead of buying expensive hoods, what has everybody else done to seal the top of their tanks? I recently bought a piece of plexiglass that just fit...
ledzepcjs1422-Apr-2005 08:58
Cracked Aquaclear
Somehow my aquaclear got cracked right on the part where the water cascades into the tank so now half of the water spills out around the tank. After...
Hooktor1322-Apr-2005 06:28
Have I solved my weight problem?
Here's the problem: I'm going to be living in a 6th floor apartment building. I want a big fishtank. However, I can't have a conventional large fishta...
djtj622-Apr-2005 05:23
Gang valve, How do I use mine?? LOL
Hello I have an air pump that has place for two hoses to come out. I just bought a gang valve, thing is it only has one in hole and three out, what d...
angeleel322-Apr-2005 04:45
can you remove silcone?
i know that sounds weird! i have a six G tank with its filter heater stuck in a box silconed on to the back of tank. it makes cleaning impossible, a...
goldfishgeek222-Apr-2005 01:14
Cheap alternative to lighting
Is there a cheap alernative to canopy lighting? I was thinking of using a buntch of desk lamps strung together. Is there anything else I can use to li...
djtj322-Apr-2005 00:53
DIY CO2 injector
just wondering abt others experiences abt the yeast-sugar co2? is there really a "magic" recipe for this??, how long does it really last (10-15 days)?...
tankie121-Apr-2005 16:08
Ebo Jager question...
This past weekend I bought a new 100 watt Ebo Jager heater. I noticed the top looks alittle different than my other Ebos. On the older heaters there...
T/A821-Apr-2005 05:54
Acrylic tank
i have scratches on my tank how do i remove them Last edited by DVSwetwilly at 19-Apr-2005 18:52...
DVSwetwilly320-Apr-2005 05:28
aquaclear sold at Big Al's Store
Does anyone know if the Aquaclear filters sold at Big Al's is the same kind made by Hagen? It looks different but has the same name. Anyone ever used...
GirlieGirl8519219-Apr-2005 04:56
support for a large tank
I'm looking into getting a large tank, 180 - 300 gallon. The problem is that I'm going to be living on the 6th floor of an apartment. I was wondering...
djtj117-Apr-2005 22:17
Moving a Tank
My sister who is away at college is letting me take her room so that means i am moving all my stuff to her room, all i am thinking about is that she h...
Hooktor1616-Apr-2005 23:35
Heater Covers
Anyone have any type of DIY or even have found a heater cover of some type that would help to protect fish from getting burned I got to thinking ab...
OldTimer716-Apr-2005 22:12
Penguin 150 Bio_Wheel Power Filter
I just got a 20 gallon long fish tank. I got a Penguin 150 Bio-wheel Power Filter which filters 150 gallons an hour and is for up to 30 gallon aquari...
Lawnboy41516-Apr-2005 20:51
Filter Woes
Im having some issues with my Aquaclear 30 on my 20gal High tank. It seems to be taking a while for the biological media (biomax) to establish. I ne...
kmpaton215-Apr-2005 15:02
Got a Vortex?
Could use your help here: [link=]
Cory_Di015-Apr-2005 05:26
Filter reccomendation for 150 gallon
What filter would you recommend for a 150 gallon freshwater moderately planted tank or for an african cichlid tank with lots of rock work....
tetratech815-Apr-2005 05:13
International Standard Tank Sizes
I'm just curious to see if the most common tanks sold in other countries are the same sizes as the ones here in the U.S. Following is a list of some o...
sirbooks114-Apr-2005 19:58
Background what type of cement
I have to move my aquarium into another room because my room is in renovation and I whant to change my sand substrate with gravel and if i will empty...
dukydaf114-Apr-2005 15:37
Oh No! I think i ruined a tank!
Well i went to my mom's classroom today and a teacher had an extra eclipse 6 so i took it. Well of course i went to scrub it and i did not realize tha...
Hooktor814-Apr-2005 03:11
getting rid of hot pink mildew in siphons?
My Python tube had a bunch of pink and black mildew in it that looked absolutely disgusting. So I took it out on the patio this afternoon and poured a...
LMuha714-Apr-2005 02:37
How to see nocturnal fish
Is there any way to see nocturnal fish and still have them come out? I think I remember a post about a moonlight, which was a DIY guide. Also is there...
agent_orange414-Apr-2005 00:10
uv led night light
can a uv led harm a fish?...
Tim9314-Apr-2005 00:07
DIY Sump & Refugium
Anyone know of any links or DIY sites for a sump or refugium setup I'm planning on setting up a 30 gallon long tank I recently got that was used,...
OldTimer213-Apr-2005 23:51
SOLD on Aquaclear - What size? 30 or 40?
Hey Aquaclear people - I need help picking the right size for my 20 long. All this time I've seen aquaclears I never realized how the water com...
Cory_Di1613-Apr-2005 21:16
Acrylic fogging?
Sorry I dunno if this is the right place to be posting but, I heard somewhere that acrylic tanks fog up eventually (or something like that) is this tr...
Hoa dude_dude613-Apr-2005 09:04
AC or Penguin?
The Penguin with it's BioWheel are great filters in my opinion, but with a planted tank it may create more surface turbulence then you would want....
FishProfiles.com613-Apr-2005 05:47
Surface agitation (sp?)
Hello, I was wondering if an aquaclear 200 puts enough oxygen in the aquarium, or do I need an airpump? If I do need an airpump, which is the most qu...
stephane712-Apr-2005 17:19
underground filter
i know that this might seem like an elementary question but how does a underground filter work? i cant find it on this site anywhere and, do i need on...
dogmai333511-Apr-2005 06:25
New Visitherm Stealth - Failed On
Phew!!!! That was really close. I had a Titanium Pro 150 in my 20 long for almost 2 years and the suction cups had rotted on me. Because I could n...
Cory_Di711-Apr-2005 01:22
what does tempered bottom mean?
i was looking at the tank dimension and saw the column for 'tempered bottom'. i'm guessing the X means not tempered. what does that mean?...
wheezo211-Apr-2005 01:08
Tetra Whisper 60 HOB filter
If anyone has this unit, could they pretty please take a measurement for me? I need to know the length of the whole filter unit. I'm considering buyin...
guppy01809-Apr-2005 04:07
Best filter for a 46 gallon tank??????
I have a 46g bow front that came with a Penguin 170 is this powerful enough for my tank or should I go with something bigger. The box says up to 50 g...
lady207-Apr-2005 04:05
Black boxes in SW
What are those black boxes in the corners of saltwater tank. they look easy to build...
greenmonkey51107-Apr-2005 01:58
Which Filter for Planted Tank
Ok, I've been tinkering with the idea of ditching my splashy, 2 year old Penguin 170 because the splashing releases more co2 than I would like. I'm co...
Cory_Di406-Apr-2005 21:41
17 watt Fluorescent light
If I have a screw-in fluorescent bulb with a 17 watt input, but a 60 watt output, I would count the 60 watts when calculating watts per gallon right?...
Kingyo706-Apr-2005 18:30
Filter is stopping me sleeping - HELP!
Hey people. I'm a student living at home and so my aquarium is in my bedroom, right next to my bed. It's a Hagen Tropiquarium 68 with a Biolife 35. Th...
bigchris506-Apr-2005 07:24
I use whisper, what else can i use?
I put a 60 gallon whisper filter on my 75 gallon tank but im afraid to put another 60 gallon whisper on there cause of the current it would create, is...
Johnny the Oranda 205-Apr-2005 19:37
filter question
Now that I have a vortex filter. Should i run this as a secondary filter when needed or should I just run it all the time & put my regular power f...
WiseIves105-Apr-2005 08:50
Which Filter?
I'm currently setting up a 20 gallon long tank that I want to plant fairly heavily and I'm considering a canister filter for the tank. As I don't h...
OldTimer305-Apr-2005 06:45
aquaclear carbon bag trickle
I bought an Aquaclear activated carbon bag for my HOB aqauclear 70. They advertise on the box that the bag slows the waterflow through the bag, maximi...
incubus70305-Apr-2005 05:42
bubble wand with low back pressure
Hey guys, do any of you know a bubble want with low back pressure? The one i have in there now [link=
victimizati0n405-Apr-2005 03:44
Tetra CO2
I just startede up a 30g tank, and I wanted CO2 in it for better plant results ( all my previous plants have died) So i bought a Tetra AquaPltant s...
ThunderBolt503-Apr-2005 09:30
filter died, need help
Ive got 2 aquaclear HOB ( the 30-60 gal size) running on my 55 with sand substrate- this am, one of them is dead. I just cleaned this filter out 6 d...
hca502-Apr-2005 20:03
J*bo aquariums question.
I need some personal feedback on "Jebo" aquariums. Do you have any?. [link=]http://uk....
jasonpisani1002-Apr-2005 05:07
Are UGF's any good?
I am thinking about getting an undergravel filter. My tank is only 10g and i only have 2 danios but i'm getting more fish soon. Do they help? Do you u...
GirlieGirl85191001-Apr-2005 23:06
recommend a filter
Im needing to replace one of the filters on my 55- due to the fishies causing a sand storm last night- and burning out one of my hob filters...
hca501-Apr-2005 19:05
DIY tank backgrounds
hi, i have been looking at making a background for my 4footer. has anyone ever attempted to make one? How'd it go? How long have they lasted? becaus...
sumthin_fishy101-Apr-2005 17:20
5.5 Gal Undergravel Filter - Airpump or Powerhead?
I'm new to UGF's and have become a fan of them for certain applications, such as for bettas. I've tried many low current power and internal filters,...
Cory_Di501-Apr-2005 17:00
new filter question
I got my Penguin 200B. I was wondering do i want midlevel starainer open or closed???...
Mustang00101-Apr-2005 15:54
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