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  L# Glowlght Tetras??
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SubscribeGlowlght Tetras??
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Registered: 15-Feb-2006
male usa
I saw these in a picture and i was wodering if they would school with my tetras from rio/flame tetras (same type of fish different names.) I was also wondering if they were mild mennered, mean, gentle?? Or if they do school at all??
Post InfoPosted 17-Feb-2006 05:30Profile PM Edit Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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I don't forsee any problems mixing those two. If you check their wild origins, chances are they overlap in the wild, which means you're on a pretty safe bet.

Glowlights are pretty peaceful fishes, and also offer something of a minor spawning novelty if you get them to spawn - male and female 'barrel roll' together when the eggs are expelled and fertilised!

Give them the usual Tetra furnishings - plant thickets interspersed with open water areas - and you should do fine with them. You'll also notice that both your chosen Tetra species will become little jewels if, once they're given that setup, they're also fed with colour flakes and live foods. It worked a treat with my Lemons, and should work even better with fishes that have a fair amount of red colouration, because of the carotenoids in the colour flakes!

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 17-Feb-2006 06:04Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
Glowlights are great. I have 4 in my 29g (with neons). I don't think they would school with flames because the body shapes and colors are different. They would get along with them though. They are extremely peaceful fish and very pretty once they get settled.

Post InfoPosted 17-Feb-2006 21:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male uk
they are a good schooling fish but i dont know if they would be alright with flames they also like lots of places to hide from my expereances
Post InfoPosted 17-Feb-2006 23:40Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
If you get a good enough school of them, they will be fine. Get atleast 6.

What size tank are you putting them in and what else is in it?

Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 00:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
29 gallon tank, 3 platies, 2 rasboras, 3 flame tetras, 1 catfish.
Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 01:36Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
*Malawi Planter*
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female usa
Instead of adding glowlights, I would up the rasbora and flame tetra schools. Then you would be stocked.

Rasboras and tetras like to have atleast 5-6 of them. And with 2 schools of fish, you really don't have room for any more.

What type of catfish do you have? Is it a cory or more like an algae eater?

Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 04:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
peppered cory. Well im thinking of putting my rasboras in this new 10 gallon tank. Im gonna fill out my flame school, and my rasbora school but move it to another tank. But how about any other cool fish to put into my 30 gallon that would be compatible.
Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 04:43Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Master
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female usa
EditedEdited by GirlieGirl8519
Lemon tetras. I have heard that they are great fish. They have nice color and would be a nice contrast to your flames.
I am going to be setting up a 38g hopefully soon and I want Harlies and Lemons.
I think the red and yellow would look good together, especially in a planted tank.

If you fill out the flame tetra school to about 8-10 of them, I would get about 8 Lemons.

And get your cory some friends...get atleast 4 or 5 more. I bet that guy is lonely!

Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 06:13Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 19-Jan-2006
male usa
I got 4 pristellas today and I already love them, if you can find some then I would buy them(I, however, would also buy a pacu if I found one). Will they school with rummynoses and cardinals? I don't want to like hijack the post but I didn't want to start a new one either.

I like Led Zeppelin.
Post InfoPosted 18-Feb-2006 06:22Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
I never kept any Glowlight Tetras, but i am always tempted to buy them, as they are very beautiful fish.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 03:34Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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male usa
i just got 3 more corys.
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 04:28Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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EditedEdited by BruceMoomaw
Extremely peaceful fish, and very pretty (if you don't get the overly inbred ones whose stripe is a pale orange instead of the deep, traffic-signal red that it should be. Accept no substitutes; hold out for the real thing.)

In my experience they're a bit more delicate than the books make out, though -- and they're also one of the species most susceptible to Neon Tetra Disease. Also rather timid unless you get a school of half a dozen or so (otherwise they tend to hide behind the plants).

One more thing: I've never read this anywhere, but in my experience they absolutely love algae wafers -- they beat all the other fish in the tank to them, including the supposed vegetarians.

And, no, they won't school with any other species -- tetras of all sorts virtually never do (except for Neons and Cardinals, who seem to draw no distinction between each other).
Post InfoPosted 20-Feb-2006 11:35Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
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EditedEdited by dreamweaver8891
One of the features of this website that I treasure most highly is the "Profiles"... here you're given information about the type(s) of fish which interest you -- temperment, breeding, etc.

I understand that there is a way that a person can provide a link to the specific topic -- but unfortunately, I'm just not that computer literate... Sorry about that! But if you want to really learn about your fish - check out this feature! I think you will be well-pleased with what you find!

To thine own self be true...
Post InfoPosted 21-Feb-2006 00:52Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 01-Nov-2005
male usa
Glowlights are great fish!!! I had 8 in a 29 with a school of 13 pristella's and they all schooled together,even though pristella's have a different body shape.However I do not think this is a normal thing.
Post InfoPosted 03-Jul-2006 20:23Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
Panda Funster
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male uk
Here you go - Glowlight Tetra Profile

Be advised that while maintenance of these fishes is relatively simple (if you're a competent aquarist who has prior experience with other Characins they pose no trouble) but breeding is a serious challenge. Persuading them to spawn isn't the hard part - though it's somewhat harder to do that with Glowlights than with Flame Tetras, say - it's raising the fry.

Glowlight fry are extremely sensitive to carbonate hardness. They need KH levels as low as 0.5 degrees in the first 7 days of life. Too high a KH will kill them. Trouble is, water with a KH level this low has zero buffering capability, and a pH crash is all too easy in a Glowlight nursery as a consequence. It's a VERY delicate tightrope balancing act until the fry are 7 days old, and you can begin gradually acclimatising them to increasing KH levels.

Panda Catfish fan and keeper/breeder since Christmas 2002
Post InfoPosted 03-Jul-2006 23:36Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
Two Tanks
Big Fish
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female usa
I had glow lights for several years. The last one died a couple of weeks when something got in the tank and the fish started dying.
They are really nice little fish, very peaceful and will school with neons and others of similar size and body shape. They do better is groups of six or more.
Post InfoPosted 06-Jul-2006 18:09Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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male usa
I've just gotten a new school of 9 of them for the library tank that I maintain -- and, while they're doing well, there's further confirmation of their timidity: they hang around together near the bottom of the tank to avoid all the other fish at mid-water levels.
Post InfoPosted 16-Jul-2006 09:32Profile Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 24-Feb-2006
female usa
I have school of eight in my 20 gallon. They are very peaceful. I don't find them to be very timid. I do have plants and rocks for them to hide behind though. They are actually very entertaining. They stick together and will go investigate any odd occurence. They always come up in a group and nibble my hand whenever I am removing algae.

I will say that they aren't the brightest sometimes. They will regularly flirt with danger by swimming under the python when I am doing a water change/gravel vac. I always have to be very careful not to suck anyone up.

I think they are are very pretty fish as well. Mine really got colorful after a few days of being at home.

- Meow -
Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2006 16:55Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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