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Tetras & Angels... | |
Fishrockmysox Hobbyist Posts: 94 Kudos: 58 Votes: 12 Registered: 20-Oct-2006 | I think, not sure but think, that tetras and angels can go together if in a school of 10-15. Would that be okay? 10G- 6 Zebra Danios, 1 Upside Down Catfish 20G- 1 Goldfish 72G(maybe95)- Need Stock suggestions |
Posted 22-Oct-2006 02:55 | |
sirbooks Moderator Sociopath Posts: 3875 Kudos: 5164 Votes: 932 Registered: 26-Jul-2004 | If it is for the fifty-five gallon, absolutely. Just make sure that you choose a species which won't be small enough to be eaten, but won't be rowdy enough to tear up the angel's fins. Serpaes and penguins are two tetras that can be a problem in tanks, though usually they're okay if you have a nice big group. Ten to fifteen is plenty. |
Posted 22-Oct-2006 04:46 | |
Fishrockmysox Hobbyist Posts: 94 Kudos: 58 Votes: 12 Registered: 20-Oct-2006 | Thank you sirbooks. It helped 10G- 6 Zebra Danios, 1 Upside Down Catfish 20G- 1 Goldfish 72G(maybe95)- Need Stock suggestions |
Posted 22-Oct-2006 18:40 | |
sham Ultimate Fish Guru Posts: 3369 Kudos: 2782 Votes: 98 Registered: 21-Apr-2004 | You wouldn't actually have to have a group of 10-15 tetras to put them with an angel but the tetras would definitely appreciate it. Usually since I choose bigger tetras I go with 8-9. I like congo tetras and 15 of those don't fit in most tanks unless the whole tank is devoted to them. Whereas if you go with something small like cardinals(slight potential for angel food) or the black neons 15 would make a nice big school. 6 is generally considered the minimum number to keep together but I prefer to try to keep 8 of any schooling fish. Just about every tetra but the nippy ones work with angels but it's hit or miss with the smallest ones like neons and cardinals. Sirbrooks mentioned a few nippers and skirt tetras are usually on that list. I'd also caution about the cochus blue tetras which are showing up in alot of stores recently. They actually look dyed but aren't and are great colorful little tetras but are different from most every other tetra species. They are actually somewhat antisocial and if you put in a large group of over about 4-5 in a 55g they may fight. |
Posted 22-Oct-2006 19:03 | |
Fishrockmysox Hobbyist Posts: 94 Kudos: 58 Votes: 12 Registered: 20-Oct-2006 | Thanks sham I wouldn't want Tetras fighting... I would be putting in German Blue Rams and they get stressed easily(as far as I hear) so I wouldn't want boisterous fish. 10G- 6 Zebra Danios, 1 Upside Down Catfish 20G- 1 Goldfish 72G(maybe95)- Need Stock suggestions |
Posted 22-Oct-2006 20:51 | |
GirlieGirl8519 Fish Master *Malawi Planter* Posts: 1468 Kudos: 1029 Votes: 35 Registered: 25-Mar-2005 | Tetras and angels work just fine. Like mentioned above you don't have to have 10-15....6-8 would work depending on the other fish in the tank. 8 is a good medium though..IMO. |
Posted 22-Oct-2006 22:00 | |
Posted 22-Oct-2006 22:00 | This post has been deleted |
Fishrockmysox Hobbyist Posts: 94 Kudos: 58 Votes: 12 Registered: 20-Oct-2006 | Thank you GirlGirl1895 10G- 6 Zebra Danios, 1 Upside Down Catfish 20G- 1 Goldfish 72G(maybe95)- Need Stock suggestions |
Posted 22-Oct-2006 22:56 | |
Fishrockmysox Hobbyist Posts: 94 Kudos: 58 Votes: 12 Registered: 20-Oct-2006 | Any one else? 10G- 6 Zebra Danios, 1 Upside Down Catfish 20G- 1 Goldfish 72G(maybe95)- Need Stock suggestions |
Posted 22-Oct-2006 23:24 | |
Calilasseia *Ultimate Fish Guru* Panda Funster Posts: 5496 Kudos: 2828 Votes: 731 Registered: 10-Feb-2003 | Well, if the space exists for you to have bigger shoals of Tetras with your other fishes, so much the better. If you ever get the chance to see a BIG characin shoal (for example, the 200 ro so Cardinals all in the one aquarium at Chester Zoo, not far from where I live) then you'll NEVER have small numbers of Tetras ever again - the visual spectacle that a big shoal provides will knock your socks off. If you're planning on Angels and Papiliochromis ramirezi Cichlids (I won't bore you with my dissertation on why they;'re NOT "German" Rams ) then a decent sized shoal of Tetras will be the way to go. If there is space for 10 or more, go with the bigger group, and if there is only space for 6-8, run with that also. Which, of course, depends upon the species you choose. If you choose something like Rosy Tetras, which are big enough not to be Angelfish snacks but small enough to let you have 12 of them in there, then run with the group of 12 (and watch the fun and frolics when a decent sized gaggle of Tetras get together!). If on the other hand you decide to run with a larger Tetra species, you could be down to as few as 6 in the case of Congo Tetras because they're sizeable fishes when fully grown. One possibility you could run with if you're looking for something different (and of course you can find it) is Arnold's Tetra, Arnoldichthys spilopterus from Africa. At 2.5 inches, it's big enough to avoid being a snack for the Angels even when the Angels are large adults, and fast enough to avoid being a snack too. However, I'd watch this one, it can be something of a jumper, so you'll need to keep it covered. Personally, I'd advise you to run with Rosies or Lemon Tetras, as you'll be able to have 12 individuals of either of those species without trouble, and they'll be lively enough to make a fun spectacle in your aquarium without causing fin nipping problems or being a potential mobile lunch for the Angels. I had Lemons for nearly 10 years and they are seriously fun fishes. |
Posted 24-Oct-2006 01:34 | |
Fishrockmysox Hobbyist Posts: 94 Kudos: 58 Votes: 12 Registered: 20-Oct-2006 | Thank you Cali I will take hte Lemons into Consideration 10G- 6 Zebra Danios, 1 Upside Down Catfish 20G- 1 Goldfish 72G(maybe95)- Need Stock suggestions |
Posted 24-Oct-2006 01:50 | |
Calilasseia *Ultimate Fish Guru* Panda Funster Posts: 5496 Kudos: 2828 Votes: 731 Registered: 10-Feb-2003 | Oh, by the way, if you run with Lemons, take note of the following. Juvenile Lemons have yet to colour up fully. Plus, dealers have an unfortunate habit of putting them in bare aquaria. This does little to show the fishes off because they have a definite need for a planted setup (even just a few plants here and there will make a difference). So, at the dealer's, Lemons can look insipid and not in the least bit sparkling. Don't let this put you off. What you do is this. You buy your juvenile Lemons, then spend the next six weeks or so feeding them up on colour enhancing ood (e.g., Tetra ColourPride) and intermittent live foods (in my experience, give Lemon Tetras live Bloodworm and you're looking at a feeding frenzy that puts sharks to shame!). After six weeks of that feeding regime, in a planted aquarium, you'll find that your insipid looking juvenile Lemons have become, ugly duckling into swan style, little blasts of sunshine yellow. These shots should give you an idea what to expect ... Lemon Tetra 1 Lemon Tetra 2 Lemon Tetra 3 Lemon Tetra 4 Oh, and note the upper half of the eye - it should be an intense ruby red in colour. Avoid like the plague any specimens that have dull grey irises or show signs of discolouration in the eye, as these specimens are either seriously diseased, or genetically weak and not long for this world. If your juvenile Lemons have bright red irises, and they're swimming about perkily with fins carried proudly, then they are good ones and you should snap them up if you're looking at acquiring a Lemon Tetra shoal. |
Posted 25-Oct-2006 14:37 | |
crazyred Fish Addict LAZY and I don't care :D Posts: 575 Kudos: 360 Votes: 293 Registered: 26-Aug-2005 | I have just the tank you're planning. I have 3 angels, a ram couple, two Apisto species, and a variety of tetras. In my tank I have a school of Von Rio tetras (very pretty half orange, half yellow) and I have several Cochu's blue tetras, and two left over rummy nose tetras (they survived a tank disaster). All my fish get along fine. The rams, Apistos, and angels posture toward each other as cichlids do, but no agression. I like my tank set-up really well. "Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder." |
Posted 25-Oct-2006 16:36 | |
Fishrockmysox Hobbyist Posts: 94 Kudos: 58 Votes: 12 Registered: 20-Oct-2006 | thanks you two 10G- 6 Zebra Danios, 1 Upside Down Catfish 20G- 1 Goldfish 72G(maybe95)- Need Stock suggestions |
Posted 28-Oct-2006 20:12 | |
So_Very_Sneaky Ultimate Fish Guru Posts: 3238 Kudos: 2272 Votes: 201 Registered: 10-Mar-2004 | A few tetras I have kept with Angels successfully with no issues: Pristellas Buenos Aires Rummynose Glowlights Red Eye tetras Ive also kept White Cloud minnows and several kinds of danios with them as well. I currently have 3 angels in my 75g tank with a single rummynose (will be getting more again when they go on sale) and 7 Buenos Aires Tetra (plan to add 3 more soon). They look great together. Buenos aires are nice, one of the most peaceful tetras I have ever kept, and their colors are great. Come Play Yahtzee With Me! Http:// |
Posted 31-Oct-2006 21:15 | |
jasonpisani *Ultimate Fish Guru* Posts: 5553 Kudos: 7215 Votes: 1024 Registered: 24-Feb-2003 | With Angels i've kept these Tetras:- Rummynose, Lemon, Black Widows, Pristella, Emperor, Buenos Aires & Black Neons, but the tank was never less than a 120 Litre. Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970. |
Posted 01-Nov-2006 10:26 | |
So_Very_Sneaky Ultimate Fish Guru Posts: 3238 Kudos: 2272 Votes: 201 Registered: 10-Mar-2004 | Mine are all in a 75g or 280L tank. Come Play Yahtzee With Me! Http:// |
Posted 01-Nov-2006 20:59 | |
crazyred Fish Addict LAZY and I don't care :D Posts: 575 Kudos: 360 Votes: 293 Registered: 26-Aug-2005 | All mine are in a 55. I really love those Von Rio tetras...they are so cool to look at. If you can grab some I highly recommend them. "Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder." |
Posted 01-Nov-2006 21:22 | |
BruceMoomaw Mega Fish Posts: 977 Kudos: 490 Votes: 0 Registered: 31-Dec-2002 | I don't recommend keeping Neons, Glowlights, or any fish of comparably small size with full-grown Angels - the latter WILL go after them. (I've seen a full-grown Angel try to attack several young Gold Barbs.) However, any larger class of fish -- including full-grown Rummy-Noses and any fish of similar size -- seem to be safe from them. |
Posted 02-Nov-2006 10:44 | |
So_Very_Sneaky Ultimate Fish Guru Posts: 3238 Kudos: 2272 Votes: 201 Registered: 10-Mar-2004 | I have been keeping glowlights for years with Angels. They never seem to even notice them at all. Come Play Yahtzee With Me! Http:// |
Posted 02-Nov-2006 20:32 | |
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