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  L# Angel Gill
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SubscribeAngel Gill
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Registered: 18-Jan-2004
male canada
Hi all,

It been a long time since the last time I posted or read from this site. Been busy lately and haven't spend too much time on my tanks.
This is maybe y 1 of my angels are sick. She has this deterioration of her gills. It looks pretty bad. I tink it's a baterial infection. I've "Q" the fish and introduced Sera Bactopure.
I would like to know what this "sickness" is and I did everyting right.




!!I think I just learned somthing new!!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile MSN PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
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Registered: 20-Mar-2004
female canada
Could you provide us with a bit more info? Copy-pasted from the sticky at the top of the forum:


Water Parameters
There are many things in a fish tank that can cause a fish to appear sick, when natural toxins or water chemistry are not just right.

Nitrite (note the “I&#8221:
Nitrate (note the “A):

If you do not have one or more of these, please take a bag of water to the fish store and ask them to test it for you. Most will do this for free. If not, try another store. Make sure you write them down so we can review the numbers with you.

Tank Information

Tank Size (gallons and dimensions if known (20 gal long versus regular 20 or 20 gal high):
Stock List (Quantity/Species):
Fish size for larger fish (a 5 inch angel or a 9 inch oscar has a different effect on water parameters than a half-dollar size angle or a 3 inch oscar).
Filtration (ex: Penguin 330, Whisper 40, Fluval 204, etc).


Tell us what you add to your tank or replacement water like conditioners to remove chlorine/chloramine, fertilizers for plants, aquarium salt, pH adjusters, etc. Describe for us how often you use and how much.


Be as descriptive as you can and provide pics, if possible (see the post about how to add pictures at the top of the hospital forum).

We not only need detailed information about what you see ON the fish, we need to know about it’s behavior. This does not attempt to capture everything, but gives you some ideas on how to present what you are seeing. Don’t limit yourself to what is here.

Examples of some physical attributes
Pale, darker, grey fuzz/white fuzz/off-white fuzz, grey slimey film, blue haze, gold dusting, salt grains/spots, blood bordered white area, ulcer, pustule/boil, cloudy eyes, protruding eye, eroding fin, etc.

Examples of some behaviors
Lethargic, rapid breathing, sits on the bottom, hangs out at the top with head down (or head up), darting in a spiral fashion, swimming slowly without orientation, choking, flicking against objects in the tank or gravel
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 245
Kudos: 209
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Registered: 18-Jan-2004
male canada
Ok yah I haven't been here a while and alot of new ppl here...

Ammonia 0
NitrIte 0
NitrAte 20-40.
Ph 6.0
Temp 25

- My tank is understocked 55gal Long
- Overfilteration with Fluval-300 and a Aquaclear 500
- All other fishes are fine, just this angel.
Only Nutrafin chlorine remover added every water change noting else.

The fish's gill cover is rotten to the point where the gills can be seen. I is currently in the floor of the "Q" tank breathing heavly. The gills are red, no signs of worms or fungus. It would swim around here and then. It still eats.

I understand that fish get sick no matter how clean the tank is (myth?).

I would like to know if "sera baktopur" is the right. The what kinda illness is it?



!!I think I just learned somthing new!!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
Posts: 1028
Kudos: 926
Votes: 49
Registered: 20-Mar-2004
female canada
Sera Bactopur contains butyl glocol, acriflavine and methylene's ok, but I would probably prefer to treat with some kind of antibiotic. Jungle fungus clear would work, or furan, maracyn 1 and 2, etc.

Fish generally protect themselves from illness unless they are stressed in some way, even though your numbers check out (but nitrate IS a little high), I would probably increase maintenance on the tank to solve any issues related to the overstocking. Give your filters, gravel, etc. a good clean and increase your water change routine.

Rotting gill plates is usually a bacterial infection, probably columnaris. Antibiotics would probably be your best bet. If the angel is still eating you may want to combine the Bactopur with antibiotic food, something like Jungle Antibacterial food, that may not be the exact name of it, my memory is bad. If you can't get the antibacterial food you can make your own, or just treat the water with an antibiotic like the ones I mentioned above. They will be more effective than the bactopur and are readily available here in Canada. Jungle products are available in most local stores, chains like Petsmart and even sometimes in Wal Mart sell them and they work really well.

You'll also want to increase aeration on the tank for now, it's especially important when you're treating with medication and with the gill issue the angel will appreciate some extra oxygen.

Last edited by trystianity at 10-Aug-2005 00:25
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:36Profile Homepage ICQ AIM MSN Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
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