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  L# Balloon Molly sick or not???
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SubscribeBalloon Molly sick or not???
Posts: 176
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Registered: 12-Dec-2005
female canada
EditedEdited by Mitchee
I'm not sure if my molly is sick or not. Eats well, swims around fine however, near the dorsal fin and right side it looks like he's "molting" for lack of a better word. It's hard to distinguish in the pictures, but it appears that he's shedding some scales and they're transparent to almost white in colour. I don't believe it's ick because it is not granular in shape. My tank is currently still in the cycling process and my readings are:
ammonia 0
nitrites .5
nitrates 0

Any ideas? Thanks so much

Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 02:36Profile PM Edit Report 
DeletedPosted 05-Feb-2006 09:43
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Registered: 14-Jan-2002
male usa us-ohio
EditedEdited by acidrain

As for your fish, I cannot really say, as it is hard to see in that pic. Butit could be an injury with fungus starting. Of an injury with a bacterial infection starting. And since the fish is probably under some stress, due to the fact he is cycling your tank and in a hostile environment at present, its immune system is probably decreased.


There is always a bigger fish...
Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 17:34Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 12-Dec-2005
female canada
Thanks for replying Acidrain! As he is in a community tank, should I attempt to treat him or leave him alone? I have some Melafix, Furan-2, Maracyn-2 and Aquarisol on hand as well as some aquarium salt. My fish load in my semi-planted tank is:
4 guppies
2 swordtails
2 platies
3 danios
2 balloon mollies
1 otto
Unfortunately, I have no hospital tank set up in which to put him in.

Post InfoPosted 05-Feb-2006 18:59Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Posts: 3162
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Registered: 14-Jan-2002
male usa us-ohio
You have a lot of fish in that tank while it is still cycling.

But as for treatment, I would not treat for bacterial until I thought it was more likely that type of infection, if it is an infection at all. Melafix won't hurt though. IMO, I would dose with Melafix, and wait to see if it gets worse. Then start a medication treatment.


There is always a bigger fish...
Post InfoPosted 06-Feb-2006 03:16Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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