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  L# Betta's fins are disappearing!!!!
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SubscribeBetta's fins are disappearing!!!!
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Registered: 12-Dec-2005
female canada
I've had my betta for 2 months and I noticed today that he is developing long holes/tears mid-way down his fins however the fins have net yet split due to these holes. He is in a 1g bowl with a heating pad placed under the bowl for heat. There is regular aquarium gravel in bowl and an anemone decoration with no rough edges. 100% water changes are performed every 3 days with aquarium salt and water conditioner added. Should I be treating him with some meds? He is active and eats well. I feed him Nutrafin Max betta flakes and freeze dried blood worms. I've attached a couple of photos. Thanks!

Last edited by Mitchee at 30-Dec-2005 08:36

Last edited by Mitchee at 30-Dec-2005 08:41

Last edited by Mitchee at 30-Dec-2005

Last edited by Mitchee at 30-Dec-2005 10:56

Last edited by Mitchee at 30-Dec-2005 11:26

Last edited by Mitchee at 30-Dec-2005 11:26

Last edited by Mitchee at 30-Dec-2005 19:32

Last edited by Mitchee at 02-Jan-2006 08:52

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 12-Dec-2005
female canada
Since posting, I have added 1/4 tsp of Fungus Eliminator to bowl. Many posts that I have read indicate that the sooner meds are applied the better. I'm hoping I did the right thing!

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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female australia us-maryland
kinda hard to tell from the pic but it does look and sound like a fin rot issue Mitchee.
When you do the water changes do you do gravel vacs as well all the way to the bottom ?

I'm not sure the active ingredients in the one that you're using, good one for finrot issues are the ones that contain Nitrafurazone. I've used Jungle labs fungus clear tank buddies. The nitrafurazone is good for fin rot as it will handle both causes of fin rot; bacterial and fungal.

If you dont notice any improvement after this round of medications you might want to try changing the meds...unfortunatly the one I used is rated for 10 gallons of water....kinda hard in a betta bowl :%).

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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female canada
Thanks for replying Babelfish. When I do my 100% water changes, my betta is placed in a temporary bowl with water that matches existing temp. and everything is removed, including the gravel, and rinsed out in hot water. The med I'm using does contain nitrofurazone, (Jungle Fungus Eliminator)and it states one of the conditions it treats is fin and mouth rot.

My betta's fins seemed to look better this morning, I could only find one small hole. I don't think the med would worked this quickly though. Probably part of the fin fell off and I won't find it until I do a water change tomorrow.

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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looks just like my betta, swimmi :88) XD anyways I think the sooner the better, though if it's only his fins I think he should be alright. . .my betta had ich and now he is all better
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 12-Dec-2005
female canada
Looks like my betta is getting worse! I did the 100% water change earlier today, added the Jungle Fungus Eliminator, aquarium salt and water conditioner and I just noticed now that he lost a good portion of the tips of his fins I can see them laying at the bottom of his bowl. Could the med have caused this? Should I stop using it? He's swimming along fine, eating well, even did a bubble nest. I'm concerned and confused as to what I should do next! Your suggestions would be most welcome!
Here are recent pictures of him indicating how much his fins have deteriorated.

Last edited by Mitchee at 02-Jan-2006 00:18

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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Registered: 17-Apr-2003
female australia us-maryland
oh dear sorry to hear he's doing worse !.

My experience with those meds didnt cause the fishs fins to fall off, that does however happen as a result of the finrot.

I'd suggest continuing treatment, there are some finrots that can move fast and kill within a day or less.

A few suggestions. Make sure the betta is as calm as possible, I wouldnt be surprised if added movement is causing additional stress on the fins letting them break off faster. Keep the light off over the tank and if the room is bright rig up a cover for the tank.
I've read in a few places that the active ingredients are photosensitive so leaving the light off would have an added advantage.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 12-Dec-2005
female canada
Here's an update on "Moby". I've been treating him now with the Fungus Eliminator for 12 days. Since his first major fin loss there has been a few occasions where there was one very tiny little piece of fin in his bowl. He is active and lively and eats well. The 100% water changes are performed every 2 days. I cannot determine if he is cured yet so, to give him a bit of a rest, I was planning on stopping with this course of med for 3 or 4 days and just put him in water with conditioner and aquarium salt. Then I was going to start a course of Furan-2 or Maracyn-2, followed with a week of Melafix.

Any suggestions any of you may have on my "plan of action" would be most welcome!

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry with Ketchup
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Registered: 17-Apr-2003
female australia us-maryland
Only comment I have is something I read once when treating some tetras that I got used (can you really say fish are bought "used" :%) ).
Unfortunatly I havent got the original source to point you to, cant remember if it was here in hospital or elsewhere on the whole wide anycase it ran something along the lines of (and I paraphrase) 'do not stop medications until you are sure the fin rot is arrested'
The way I understood it was that once you stop seeing fins melting or falling off then you can stop with the medications. I worry with your plan that the 3 to 4 days that you give him just water will allow the finrot to progress again.
I'd suggest trying the water change to remove the other meds then try changing meds if you think necessary. You should be able to use melafix while using any of the medications that you mentioned as it's not considered a medication.
Hope that made sense

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile Homepage AIM MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 12-Dec-2005
female canada
Thanks for your advice Babelfish! I'll do as you suggest and won't stop the med. I'll continue on with the Fungus Eliminator and add some Melafix to it too. I'll give it another week and if some bits still keep falling off, then I'll switch to the Furan-2 or Maracyn-2 and give them a shot.

I'll keep you posted

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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