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  L# Dwarf Gourami Sickness
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SubscribeDwarf Gourami Sickness
Small Fry
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Registered: 28-Jun-2005
female usa
Has anyone had trouble with a strange disease that causes bumps on their side that develop into a red sore usually only one, all the while they will eat good and be very active and seem very normal. I have lost 3 gouramis this way and am loosing the fourth. I have tried on quite a few sites to Identify what it is but no one has been able to help as yet. I have treated with different meds and for every thing from ich to dropsy. My other fish 3 adult platys 1 baby platy 2 baby catfish 1 bleeding heart and my alga eater are fine and have never been affected at all, and this has been over about the last 2 months, I just loose one at a time and soon they will all be gone. I love these little fish but I'm afraid to get any more. My son calls me a gourami hit woman and I'm begining to think he's right.
Thanks shammey

Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Master
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male ireland
Sounds like a cyst of some kind.

Gouramies are very e to this. I've seen it a few times, always on Gouramies.

If it's any consolation it was probaly already there and nothing you did.

The quality of Gouramies, especially the dwarves, coming from Far East fish farms is very poor.

Sorry but I don't know of any treatments. Someone else may.

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Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
*Ultimate Fish Guru*
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male malta
It's better to post this in the Hospital Forum. You'll find more help there.
Member of the Malta Aquarist Society - 1970.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 6
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Registered: 28-Jun-2005
female usa
Thank you I'll cut and paste it over there and thank
you for information I didn't they were e to cyst
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 10-May-2005
female usa
I was just gonna make a thread about this!! My brother's gourami has the same thing, right next to his eye. I thought it might be tuberculosis at first, but after looking at it alot it didn't look like that. Hopefully its not fatal!
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 27-Jul-2004
male israel
i had that once. it wiped out all the tank.
seems like you've got a more "easy" desease.

isolating the gouramis won't help that much now, 2 months later. just make sure NOTHING doesn't get from this tank to another without serious disinfection first.

do you remember where you got those infected gouramis?
if you do, i think it would be beneficial to let them know those gouramis are infected, so they will be more careful with their supplier.
if you're suspicious of them knowing (as i was, gouramis on sale!), then don't get anything from them again.
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
Posts: 6
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Registered: 28-Jun-2005
female usa
I got one first and then bought the other three all at the same fish store and mine were also On Sale :#( Well I will let them know ]:|but I'll be buying my fish at another shop from now on and think twice before I buy one on sale again
Thanks shammey
Post InfoPosted 26-Jan-2006 11:35Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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