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SubscribeFemale Betta with a white spot
Small Fry
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Registered: 26-Apr-2007
I have a female betta with a white blister looking spot on her head. I placed the betta in a separate container.
She is in a 20 Gallon community tank. The only test kit I have is for pH and it gave a reading of 7.4 plus for the pH. The proportions of the tank are 24" long x 16" high x 12" wide. It is a planted tank. The most recent addition have been a Singapore shrimp, African dwarf frog, and a freshwater mussel.
I will admit that I am a rookie at the fish thing, and the only thing I can think of this is it might be Ich. I am hoping that someone can help me with this.
I have no pic available.
Thank you
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2007 04:59Profile PM Edit Report 
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Registered: 27-Apr-2007
female usa
Hey there Well, I know that "a white spot" is an obvious way of describing it, but is there any other way that you think that you can? Like, how big is it? Is it larger or does it look like it might just resemble a grain of salt?
If it looks more like a piece of salt, then I would assume that it's Ick. It's really good that you seperated her already so it doesn't spread, but now all you have to do it add medication to the water. There's a medication you can buy at any pet store that says it will cure Ick within about 2 days and it only costs like $2 for a bottle of it.
How long have you had the betta for? Did you just put her in?

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Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2007 05:45Profile Homepage AIM Yahoo PM Edit Delete Report 
Small Fry
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Registered: 26-Apr-2007
It is larger then a grain of salt and nor does it resemble one. It looks like a blister, but does not appear to be separated from the skin.
Also I have had her about a month and a half, she is he first fish I got and has been in the tank longer then anything else, plants included.
I plan to take to the LFS tomorrow morning when they open, they have some ppl who have a pretty good idea about what they are doing.
Thank You
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2007 06:50Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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male uk
It could be a local bacterial infection that is colecting pus,so I suppose yes , literally it could be a blister, but there is also a parasite risk especially from the presence of the mussel, which can be a carrier of a number of cystic parasites.

Try melafix for a few days and if it doesnt show improvement or more similar blisters appear go for an antiparasitic like sterazin or similar. You will have to remove the shrimp and mussel before using the latter on the fish though, or inevitably it will kill creatures structurally similar to the crustacean and worm parasites that can infest fish.
Post InfoPosted 05-Jun-2007 09:34Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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