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  L# Female German Blue Ram acting strange
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SubscribeFemale German Blue Ram acting strange
General Hague
Posts: 182
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Registered: 29-Jun-2007
male usa
For the past 4 or 5 days or w/e amount the Female German Blue Ram has been acting normal and got its normal colors back. However at around 9 pm today, I found the Female German Blue Ram dead at the bottom of the tank.

I've had my fish tank for months and months and months. But the later part of June and early July has been my worst time experience with fish. Maybe because of the water at my house vs college? I was always getting 7.0 pH at college.

So I checked my pH right now. It was 8.0. So I added Wardley brand Bullseye 7.0. I checked nitrite, it was <0.3m mg/l which is the lowest reading on the test.
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2007 04:51Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Big Fish
Oh My Heck!
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Registered: 11-Apr-2007
male usa
As i said before, rams need alot lower PH to live. I have had a similar problem with Rams, my PH is 7.8 and i cannot keep them so i have had to settle for Bolivian rams which are alot hardier. Im sorry you lost the battle for the ram. I honestly think at this stage it was the PH that was too high. However I would suggest looking into a more natural way of lowering PH than using chemicals as this is more of a buffer than actual lowering PH. It is not likely to stay down and may cause other problems.

Thanks for your input as always, Shane - [ Thanks to ScottF ]
Post InfoPosted 11-Jul-2007 06:26Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
General Hague
Posts: 182
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Registered: 29-Jun-2007
male usa
Earlier in this thread, I said my King Tiger Pleco died. And that happened after I got Neon Tetras which introduced ich. Now thinking back on it, is it possible instead of the ich killing the fish, that it was actually the medication. I reading some where that plecos are sensitive meds.
Post InfoPosted 21-Jul-2007 16:46Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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