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  L# HELP!!My angel is dying!!
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SubscribeHELP!!My angel is dying!!
Posts: 100
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Registered: 31-Mar-2007
female usa
He's lost control of his movement for the most part,he is acting lathargiec and he isn't energenic at all.

He is in a bare bottom 10 with lots of java ferns for now.

Perims are:
temp 80F

It is filtered and thickly planted,I also have a towel over it so he isn't disturbed.

aquarium salt an stress coat are in the water.

Other meds on hand:
meth blue

What can I do to help the little guy?

Yup. I'm that crazy Twilight/animal/music girl
Post InfoPosted 09-Sep-2007 00:36Profile AIM Yahoo PM Edit Report 
Big Fish
Mad Scientist
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Registered: 15-Apr-2007
female usa us-massachusetts
Is this acute or did you notice any changes in his behavior or general health? Any signs of skin problems, white stringy feces? What does 'lost control of his movement' mean, does the fish perform spomething close to a headstand?
Post InfoPosted 09-Sep-2007 02:29Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Fish Guru
Lord of the Beasts
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Registered: 21-Aug-2005
male uk
Angels tend to keel over sideways rather than tilt nose up or down,so its likely as it weakens it will keel sideways, often on the substrate or just below the water surface.

Firstly if thats a mature tank it shouldnt be reading zero on all perameters so that has to be a misreading, even a quarter size angel and lots of plants should give you at least some reading somewhere. Might be worth double checking that. Test kit is probably off.

Angels and salt tend not to mix very well, often makes them worse rather than better. I wouldnt recommend using salt with angels for any reason, in my experience it tends to cause problems to begin with and more often than not, finishes them off when they arent very well.

I fear there may not be much to be done, angels dont make usually make it once equilibrium is lost, but details about the diet so far, general appearance, swollen or sunken stomach, any tiny pits on the head, skin slime shedding, lateral line erosion, raised veins and as catdancer already said , the presence of white stringy poo might reveal something. The rough size and age of the angel might help narrow things down a bit too. To give an angel a chance at fighting many problems you can take up the temps to 84f over several hours, and give it as much oxygenation as possible.

Personally I might try to get the salt out or at least reduce its concentration significantly, you can possibly try to pop in a salt rechargeable denitrifying bag, they often attract or chemically change some salts, but a water change at this time might be risky.Salt sometimes masks the presence of nitrite, and perhaps this is part of the problem.

With angels the first suspect of non-obvious infections are often protozoa, for which an obvious med is metronidazole, but you'll have to pick him up a little so you can get the meds into him, melafix might help a little, but at this point I suspect methylene blue might finish him off.

Think of as many details and as much history as you can, and in the meantime get the temps and oxygen up.This sounds like metabolic weakness more than a swimbladder issue, and we need to work out what is making the fish weak and the safest most lenient way to treat it.

I dont honestly feel from what you have said that there is much time left, but you never know.

Good luck, and come back with the info soon.

Post InfoPosted 09-Sep-2007 03:11Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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