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SubscribeMy Oscar is having seizures
Posts: 104
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Registered: 13-Jan-2008
male canada
EditedEdited by steven1982
I saw yesterday and again today my Oscar is having seizures. His fins just go. All the other tank mate are doing fine.
NO3 10 ppm
NO2 0 ppm
PH 7
Total Hardness 100 ppm
Alkalinity 100 ppm
Anyone seen this?

Post InfoPosted 13-Nov-2008 04:50Profile PM Edit Report 
Fish Addict
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well do u have 2 oscars and if u do does the one thats haveing the seizures only do it around the other? and does he do this by any perticular fish? and wat size tank u got?
Post InfoPosted 13-Nov-2008 08:51Profile AIM PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 13-Jan-2008
male canada
He is a 6 inch Oscar
I also have a 4 inch Oscar
4 inch pleco
3 inch fire mouth
80 gallon tank
Has had these "seizures" when off by himself. If you are asking if any of the other fish are picking on him I would say NO!
He is King of the tank, that is for sure.
Post InfoPosted 13-Nov-2008 19:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Ultimate Fish Guru
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male australia au-newsouthwales
No I think he was meaning the fish might have been displaying himself to a potential mate, or trying to show dominance to another fish.

Well thats what it sounds like to me.
Post InfoPosted 17-Nov-2008 07:40Profile MSN PM Edit Delete Report 
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male canada
I do not think that it is a mating thing or dominance as one time he did it in a drift wood structure I have, all by himself.
Post InfoPosted 22-Nov-2008 23:47Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
Mega Fish
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female usa
Is he making a shimmying motion or flicking against objects or substrate in the aquarium? If flicking, it's likely he has an external parasite infestation. Shimmying could mean a number of things.

Post InfoPosted 22-Nov-2008 23:52Profile Homepage PM Edit Delete Report 
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Registered: 13-Jan-2008
male canada
I do see him flicking into the ground.
Post InfoPosted 23-Nov-2008 02:10Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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