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  L# My Sick Oscar
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SubscribeMy Sick Oscar
Small Fry
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Registered: 30-Nov-2006
I have a 6 year old oscar, who is very people friendly to both children(gives kisses)and adults. He plays with a ball re-arranges his so-called furniture and is a joy. "Jack" has developed some sort of illness and I am very concerned. He has not eaten in 5 days,he only eats pellets and crickets when he does eat. and is swollen on the bottem sides of his belly, it also looks like his rectum is prutruding outwards.there is a white jelly like substance coming out his rectum. He is very listless, no play, no food and looks very unhappy......I did do a water change prior to all of this but my baby is so used to me that i can touch him and it doesnt bother him. THe ph levels are abit hoigh (7.5) and temp is fine......I need your help so bad he is just like family, Please help if you can thank you
Post InfoPosted 01-Dec-2006 05:09Profile PM Edit Report 
Mega Fish
USAF Retired
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Registered: 08-Feb-2005
male usa
Do you know what your other water parameters are? I know that you will be asked for the nitrate, nitrite and ammonia levels. It doesn't sound like that, but if you can get those readings it may help to make a diagnosis.

I'm not a disease expert, but I'm wondering if the feeding of the crickets hasn't introduced some type of bacterial disease to the tank?

Not a lot of help I know, but maybe by bouncing this someone with some other ideas can help out.


Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. -- Mark Twain
Post InfoPosted 02-Dec-2006 01:03Profile PM Edit Delete Report 
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